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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I.....am so tired......

Whenever I'm about to fall asleep, I always think back to second block AP..... LOL at Philliam!!!! Today, the teacher was talking about the ten major changes that would take place with Obama's health care plan. I don't remember much of what happend, (seeing as I wasn't there lol) but the second thing she said was, "Viagra will no longer be the little blue pill. Instead it will be a popsicle stick and some duct tape." LMFAO!!!!!!! That was THE funniest thing that I've ever!!! I normally like to stay out of political discussions (some people get REALLY sensitive to it) but that was the funniest thing that I've ever heard! XD

I think we should just cancel the concert. We've been putting in next to no effort at all, and, let's face it, we SUCK this year! We always drag the week before the concert, but we've never SUCKED the week before the concert. Fonza literally sat us down and told us just how terrible we were. I don't know about everyone else, but that didn't make me feel to hot. It kinda makes me feel like I'm failing as president because people aren't getting with the program. I'm just hoping for a miracle.

I burnt the crap out of my hand last night!!!! XD It was SO bad!!!!! My sister got braided hair extensions and we had to burn the ends. Instead of mom doing it, we had to do it. What mom does is she touches the end to the braid just barely with the flame from the lighter, blows at the melting tip, and taps it together with her fingers. What me and my sister did was, she burned it for like...... 20 million seconds, and I tapped it without blowing. Basically, what resulted was me burning the crap out of my thumb and index finger on my right hand. It's times like these that make me happy to be a lefty!!! ^_^ I think the thing about me getting burnt that really caught me off guard was that it stuck to my fingers and I couldn't shake it off.... I just had to sit and take my scorching like a man until I gathered enough comprehension to go to the faucet and rinse it off. I was thoroughly expecting to cry, but instead, I definately laughed at myself. This semester had just been all around bad luck for me ad hurting myself!!!!! LOL!!!!


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