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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Monday, January 18, 2010

I suppose it's been a while, huh? There's so much to tell, I don't even know where to start!

I'll start with Show Choir....
Okay, so there's good news and bad news: The good news is that I got an AWSOME partner!!!! I got Michael this year lol. He said I had to give him a show choir name, so his new name is Miji XD. The bad news is that Michael quit last month. The day before Christmas break. Merry Christmas! -.- Right now I'm a partnerless president..... Doesn't that have a nice ring? He said he felt bad, and I guess I'll take his word for it..... *sigh* His heart is more into drama, and mine is choir. I guess we meet in the middle with musical theatre?

Speaking of musical theatre..... Our school is doing Footloose! (exciting, right?)

I have four rehearsals tomorrow..... I have a LONG day........ Ugh.


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