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myOtaku.com: spade alchemist

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The day of Today.
Long day, fun day, do it all again day! ^_^

Today we met with Leadership Shelby, and we gave them tours of our respective departments. The two men I was touring were very intrigued with what I was talking about. Either that or they were total creepers who wouldn't stop checking me out..... I think it was the second one. CREEPY!!!

Today I was in all three blocks of choir! I think that was fun! In fifth block, My ex-partner was standing by his stuff waitng to go, but he watched me rehease with the group. I think it finally hit me that we weren't partners anymore. I was all alone. *extreme sad face* I know I'm being a little dramatic, but the way I feel is WAY more dramatic... (lame, right? I know)

People are power tripping, and it's getting on my NERVES. ^_^ All I can say about that right now.....

I have to get back to Synergy, so I'll update later! ^_^


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