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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Updates, Updates, Updates!
Aw man, wherever do I start??
My health has been jumping back and forth. I just got a bad cyst that's finally going away. It made me miss a friggin week of school! @___@ I swear, the place I got it at made the pain extremely worse... I've never in my entire life felt so much pain. It's unimaginable. I've never come so close to crying ever. It was like getting shot, stabbed, smacked with a hammer, nuked..... Oh dear lord it was bad. I spent all of monday night/ tuesday morning knelt over in my bed yelling at the top of my lungs. You know how in anime where the guy is about to endure an extremity of pain, but the scene shifts to the girl, and you hear the guys screams and the girl closes her eyes tightly from hearing him? Well, that's how it basically was. I feel a helluvalot better now, but I won't be going back to school until after spring break.
Well, aside from that painful annoyance, things have been looking up for me. I've finally found someone who returns the affection I have for her. She's really awesome!! I just can't stop thinking about her, she's always on my mind. With good hopes, i'll be seeing her this weekend, and i'll be spending most of my spring break with her. Pretty soon, Maboroshi will be holding a photoshoot in the Miami area (my city), so her and I will be there together so we'll have tons of photos to share. ^^ There's also something that may happen next year, but it's a secret, so i'm not saying a word until it's final. It's the best news of them all, but i'm only telling my close friends, so if you know who you are, ask me about it and i'll tell ya. Anywho, i'm so ecstatic now! I've been bouncing off the walls!!! w00t!~!~!
As for work, i've applied at different locations, but it's probable i'll land a job at Circuit City or EB Games. I have a few other choices I can even go for, so I have options. Next year, after I grauate, i'm gonna work at TAG, making a nice hourly wage starting. ($14 per hr) Next year, i'll definatley need a job, so it is NOT optional. Aw man, Gaia Online has been fun, but at the same time, kinda creepy. I swear, my inbox gets violated on a daily basis from the fan mail. It's charming, but kinda.... err... ya. I have over 150 friends, and I only know about 25 of them. Heheh, I suppose that's what happens when you're Gaia's Official Kakashi!
Anywho, that's it for now, time for dinner. I'll update later!! |
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Gaia News
Well, my ninja clan is developing well, and very fast. My group consists of myself and a helluvalot of people. The list is here...
Kakashi-Leaf Ninja (Leader, me!)
Rock Lee-Leaf Ninja
Sakura-Leaf Ninja
Kankuro-Sand Ninja
Sasuke-Leaf Ninja
Naruto-Leaf Ninja
Hinata-Leaf Ninja
TenTen-Leaf Ninja
Gaara-Sand Ninja
Anko-Leaf Ninja
Neji-Leaf Ninja
Shino-Leaf Ninja
So far, our group is saving up gold to create our guild, The Shinobi Alliance. Within time, this will be very big. Anywho, check out everyone! That's all for now, laterz!! |
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Friday, March 10, 2006
I Just Want Out...
I've been feeling pretty bad lately... Sore, tired, in pain physically and emotionally. Stress is screwing me over repeatedly and from everywhere. It's becomming unbearable, and I want out. It's hard to find someone who understands my problems, because I have so many. I don't care about any relationships at this point, friend or intimate. I just want to be alone. It seems that human contact is making matters worse, and I just want some alone time. People are starting trouble with me, and they're gonna get what's comming to them. Others are just being bothersome, and others I just can't stand all together. I'm not gonna run away from my problems though. I'm gonna solve each and every one of them, once and for all. Take note: If I seem to be distant for a while, it's because i'm trying to seperate myself from everyone, not just you. Another thing, i'm not concerning myself about anything or anyone anymore. Everything I ever do always comes up to not being appreciated, and quite frankly, i'm done. No more. I'm just gonna become a spectator now, and i'll be as such for who knows how long. My only concerns are that of my own, because i've been giving and self-sacrificing for way too long. None of what i've done has been even slightly noticed, so i'm going to just pay attention to myself from now until I feel like giving a damn about anything else.
Aside from that, i've been working on my costumes for future cons. My Jounin costume is nearing completion. I just have to dye the ninja shoes. My next plan is to tweak my vest, and then start on my Koga costume. I'm hoping to make my Zabuza costume before Yasumicon. It's a very easy costume for me to make, so i'll be starting on it as soon as I finish Koga. Oh, maboroshi finally got the pics up from megacon, and I selected 1 to show as I think it's the best photo of me that he took.

I call it... "The Light Consumes The Stars"
That is the RPD S.T.A.R.S. costume Javier and I put together. I think it looked pretty good. Him, Matt, and I are gonna make better S.T.A.R.S. costumes soon. It's gonna look pretty good from what I hear.
Anywho, that's it. I'll update again when I feel like it, so yea. |
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Just a little longer...
Well, I just replaced my sound system with the awesome (and unused) one from the living room. It's great, and I have the sound I so rightfully deserve! I can finally listen to my CD's without having to go through a direct linking system through my old PS1. Now I can listen to my CD's while I sleep and just use the remote to turn it off instead of getting up and turning off the PS1. Also, I re-wired my surround sound, so that's working beautifully. Last thing I have to do is buy more speakers and a subwoofer. Heheh, my setup already makes the house rock out loud when I turn it up, imagine how the neighbors will react to my extras!
Anywho, no school today, so i'm gonna chill out, buy some cosplay stuff, and maybe hang out with a friend or two. Right now i'm cleaning my room (deep cleaning)and also re-decorating, so it will look excellent. I'm going to see if I can find some hanging lights, or even some japanese lanterns to add more oompf to my room (not to mention brighten it up some). It has poor lighting with the one lamp I currently have, and the Heineken lamp is mainly used as a "nightlight" for those nights where I can't see a thing and need the aid of soft light. Actually, if I can get some hanging lamps that take the right bulbs, i'm turning my room into a rave room with blacklights. Heheh, my room will soon be good enough to be recgonized as a club my the city of miami!! xD
I'm very excited because Megacon is this weekend!!! Not only is con happening, but so is my birthday! Oh yea, Con-Birthday biznatches! It's happening Saturday, the 25th and i'm so stoked! Everyone who is going to Megacon, look for me on saturday! Ah, I can't wait to see all my old con buddies again and make some new friends. I especially can't wait to see Karen. It'll be our 3rd con knowing each other! ^^ Thanks for being such a great girl Karen!!
After cleaning my room, i'll be working on my friends Jounin Vest. He ordered it off of e-bay and it's a pretty nice vest (only good one that I told him to buy). Only problem is that it's very thin, so he commissioned me to fix that. So i'll be stuffing his vest and thickening it, then reinforcing the collar and bottom roll. After that, i'm maing an extra pocket on the inside for his personal items since his costume doesn't have any pockets to hold his stuff in (his pants pockets would bulge out, so i'm doing him a favor). When he gets the vest, i'm also giving him a kunai holder and leg wraps as a present for being a good "little brother" to me.
As for my own costuming, i'm finishing Kyo's pocket flaps, kyo's beads, Kiyo's spellbook, Shinji's neuro-receptors, my jounin vest, and my ninja shoes. I should have it all done my Megacon, but the only important things are those pocket flaps, the beads, the neuro-receptors and that spellbook.
Well, last thing on my agenda is packing and making last-minute cash. I don't plan on spending anything, but it doesn't hurt to be ready for anything. Javi is taking me up to the con and i'm navigating. We'll be arriving aroung noon, so any Megacon-goers who are gonna be there, look for me in the registration line.
That's all for now, take care everyone. Much love! |
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Well, in class we're acting parts in the play Othello for the class. Everyone thought I was an excellent Othello during the reading, but since it's select scenes for the individual groups, it's not promised. The scene my group has doesn't have Othello, so instead, i'm playing the role of Gratiano and props maker. Our version of Othello is a modern day urban version, so it's a little ghetto. In this instance, my Gratiano is gonna be a ghetto Italian nicknamed "Grat". My costume looks craaaaazy! Anywho, i'll take a pic with my phone and when I find a way to transfer the pics, i'll post them up. Hopefully my friend will bring her camera cable so I can have her take pics and put them on my jump drive. Anywho, i'm practicing up for tomorrow, getting my "ghetto" clothes, and making the props. Well, that's all for now on this update. |
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Nostalgia Sucks...
Sorry to any of my readers for yesterdays post. I do apoligize if I over-emoted. Btw, is it just me, or did everyone's entries yesterday suddenly disappear late last night, then return this morning??
I have been really reminencing latley. I truly miss the care free days of my past. This morning, whilst daydreaming inbetween taking a shower, my mind came across an old story I heard in 2nd grade. I believe it was a story in Aesop's Fables. Anywho, to my memory, I re-wrote the story. It was a sad story that nearly made me break down to tears in my youth. (Please don't quote me on titles or any of this, just let me enjoy my memory.)
The Nightengale and The Rose
One day in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a princess. This princess lived in a castle upon the mountian top, and the valley below was filled with white roses. This princess had a best friend, a little nightengale, and every time the sickly princess grew ill. the bird would come to her and sing its beautiful song. Afterwards, the princess would feel better. One day, the princess grew very ill from a terrible bout of sickness.As usual, the nightengale flew up to the castle so that it could sing to the princess. Upon entering the royal grounds, the bird overheard two priests speaking of the princess. Curiously, he stopped to listen to their conversation. The priests spoke to eack other. "Yes, her royal heirness is terribly sick. Her mysterious illness can only be healed if she recieves a red rose. Only then will she be healed". Upon hearing this, the nightengale flew down to the field of roses. Searching for a red rose, the bird swept back and forth searching, but could not find a rose for his friend. Some days later, the bird gave up and began to weep. A white rose looked to the bird and asked, "Why are you crying?" The bird replied, "I am sad because my friend is sick, and the priests said the only way for her to get better is for her to recieve a red rose... but alas! There are none to be found in the kingdom. There are only white roses!" The white rose then had a thought. "Are you not a creature with red blood in your body?" The nightengale replied, "Why yes I am, as are all creatured of my kind." The rose chuckled, "Bird, if you help me, then I will help you. I have always wanted to be beautiful, as a red rose, but I am like all the white roses here. If you give me some of your beautiful red blood, then I can be beautiful, and you can give me to the princess so that she will be better!" The bird exclaimed, "I shall help you since you'll help me!" The rose then wraped itself aroung the small bird and punctured one of it's thorns into the nightengales chest. The bird shouted in pain as the rose pushed it's thorn deeper. "Stop, stop!" the bird cried. The rose soon began to turn pink, then grew darker in color as it neared it's goal. "Just a little bit longer" said the rose. It soon grew to be a beautiful red color, no longer white... but by the time it reached the beauty it sought, the innocent nightengale died. The rose unwrapped itself from the bird, but in it's joy, did not know of the nightengales death. "I am beautiful! I am beautiful! Oh thank the heavens I am a beautiful red rose!!" shouted the rose. Ignoring the dead bird, the rose danced in the wind, happily. Soon, a villager who knew of the princesses illness saw the res rose. Quickly seizing the rose, he ran to the castle on the mountian top. Within its walls, the princess wept in her chamber exclaiming, "Where is my nightengale?!" When the villager was permitted to see the princess, he offered her the rose. Quickly in her sad anger, the princess dashed the rose to the floor and stepped on it in her blind rage. The rose layed there, ruined. Some weeks later, the princess died of a broken heart, not knowing of her little birds sacrifice, not knowing the red rose she destroyed was a gift from her nightengale, made with the blood of the little bird she loved.
Sad story..... Anywho, that's all for today. Take care everyone. Much love. |
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Valentines Day.......
Well, i'm finally over my battle with food poisoning over the weekend. It was a tough battle, but I came out the victor. Also, I was invited to join my frineds local band here in South Florida. It's local, so there's no question that it'll work. I play Electric Bass in it, and I am the last member of it. Thanks Kolin, you rock bro! Also, thank you Karen for the V-Day virtual! I liked it a lot! ((Especially since Kyo and I hate chocolate, it's perfect!)) Anywho...
Valentines Day, for me, was usually just another boring day. Another day of school, another day to go home, another day to do homework, another day to be bored. Usually that's the case. I've never been in a relationship that lasted through Valentines Day. Usually, my relationships ended right before. Heh, I wonder why 12 of the 13 girls i've dated since kindergarten broke up with me... I always treated them so great. (The other one I ended up breaking up with because she cheated on me..) I guess it's a curse or something. *Shrugs* Nowadays, this day just reminds me of how i'll never find that one girl out there for me. Everytime I find happiness, it's taken away from me.
Eh, I suppose it's the hand that fate has dealt me. Slide of hand, and trickery sound more of how i've been delt my cards. Well, I suppose it's never meant to be. Maybe i'll find someone. I thought I did, but apparently I didn't try hard enough. Who knows, the future may hold great blessings for me. The only thing that matters to me now is doing my best in school so I can be able to go to college and be closer to the person I love with all my heart and soul, so that I may protect her and be her shield. I believe this is what fate is trying to show me. I think that it's my mission in life, to always be there for her.. and I think I will, because I want to be there for her, though it may not be with her, but at least she'll know i'll always be there... forever.
I hope with all my soul, with every fiber of my being that everyone someday finds the one special person just for them. Please everyone, when you find that one just for you, fight hard for that special person, no matter what. Never let go. As long as your heart knows that person is the one, and yearns to be with them, then never ever leave their side, because that's what i'm going to do, and I know it's the right choice. Even though we may never be together, at lease she'll have the knowledge of knowing that i'll always be here for her... and if you do the same, the person you love will be assured of the same thing. For me, at least, it's enough to know that the girl I love can always turn to me, even if she'll be nothing more than a friend and only a friend. At least I can die with the knowledge that she knew I cared for her.
Happy Valentines Day to all otaku. |
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
I'm Gonna Throw Up..
I'm only on now to post about some stuff before I go back to bed.
Yesterday was quite productive as Mr.D and I built and finished the "Atomic" Mallet Of Doom!! It was awesome and we finished the whole thing in 1 day. Prepare for it's premiere at Megacon, and beware! It's bigger and better than before!
As for me, I think i'm a victim of accidental food poisoning. I've been vomiting (and other stuff), and it's been going on all day long. I hope I feel better, because feeling sick like this is teh suck, BIG TIME! If you call me, I may not answer as i'm trying to sleep through the nausia, the full body growth spurt pain, and the constantly running to the bathroom. Sorry for anyone who wanted to talk to me today.
..Now to go and throw up some more.. ugh! |
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Friday, February 3, 2006
More Bad News
Lost my voice... I sound ridiculus... (or however you spell it.. I don't care). On a further note, I worked on some props today. Nothing else to say.. |
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
My Cold
To those who missed the post fromm hell yesterday, i'm full-blown sick now.. Ugh, I hate colds.. |
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