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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The Post From Hell
Well, bad luck always seems to find me. If you ask my why, I would not be able to give you a good answer. I've somewhat gotten over this girl i've had feelings for, though I still think about her at times, but there's no point in one-sided affection. I'm starting to become like my friend... Love just isn't worth seeking anymore, and after my 13th break-up, love has just been slapping me in the face. (Yes, throughout my whole life, i've had 13 girlfriends, all who I cared so much for, but 12 broke-up with me, and I only broke-up with one because she cheated on me). I've been single for a while now, and though I get so many oppertunities to date someone, I always refused because I always either thought of someone, or I saw ahead of time that it would never work. I would NEVER date a girl for lust, only love, because I follow my heart, not what's in my pants. Unfortunatley, a lot of people make the Love/Lust mistake and date for all the wrong reasons. I only date when my heart yearns for someone, to be in their presence, to be the one desire of the one I love, do be with them forever. I am just sick of love now. It's something I refuse to believe in anymore. I've held back for too long waiting on people, and with no satisfaction for myself, only for others. It makes me just want to abandon all that is before me and leave everyone and everything.
Aside from love issues, i'm sick with a sore throat and a progressing headache. I may not be able to go to school tomorrow, which is fine, because it'll allow me time to clean up my room, and decide on what to do with my life. I am in a position where I have to make a lot of choices, and just one mistake will definatley screw me over.
Megacon is around the corner, and i'm anxiously waiting to go. So far, I finished my Kiyo Takamine (from Zatch Bell), and all I need to do now is finish the Spell Book, and either make a Zatch, find a Zatch cosplayer, or buy a Zatch plushie as soon as I arrive at Megacon. I've been practicing Kiyo's voice and personality, and I can tell i'm good at it, since I get glomped on a daily basis from my friends sister because of it. She's a big Zatch Bell fan and Kiyo is her favorite character, so ya, go figure ^^;. My friends and I are working on a new Live Action Sailor Moon, and I shall be writing the script soon. We're working on everything, and hopefully with Metrocon's approval and support, hold auditions at Metrocon for the roles. So far, the empty roles are the Sailor Scouts, the Bad Guy and his Henchmen, and background people. The roles taken are of Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Moon. So ya, there you have it. If you live in florida and wanna be in it, hit me up with your request.
Last thing to post about... I'm officially selling crap on e-bay. Horray! Not.. I'm selling yu-gi-oh cards, computer parts, clothing, and anything else I can get rid of that I no longer need. So far I got one bid on a card. $8.00 is the bid, so I hope I get more bids or a Buy Now for $10.00. If I find anything else worth selling, i'm posting it up. I'm also building up my pay-pal account with depositing and all that good stuff. Thank you mom for giving me the pay-pal and e-bay accounts! I really hope to sell a lot of stuff.
Anyway, that's it about the post from hell. Nothing else to say about anything, except this...
To the one I have affection for, I hope you are well and I hope you're happy, because I will never be at ease unless your heart is content. Please forget about me or anything i've ever admitted to you, because I was a fool to ever think I could win the heart of the greatest girl ever. Be happy, and find the one truly for you, and I shall give you my full support, because i'm always here for you and no one else.
((P.S. I'm an official member of the Raptors now. RAWR!)) |
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Metrocon Chess Match
Oooo, just saw the list! I've decided... If I can get a ride to Tampa for tryouts, and if I can get a ride to all the practice dates, then i'll definitly go for playing Yusuke, or one of the Turks. (Possibly Boy Ranma if I can get the role down.. but i'm aiming for Yusuke.) This gives me the oppertunity to practice my voice overs and practice being Yusuke again. (I used to practice last year, because I almost made his costume.) Well, time to find out if I can get rides, and the costume done. Another thing... SPIRIT GUN!!! Wish me luck and a good ride!! |
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Well, I am nocturnal no more! That's right, i've broken my habit of sleeping from 11am to 10pm and being awake from 10pm to 11am. I really had to stop since I have to worry abour 3 days of school next week. Why only 3 days? Because i'm visiting my dad whose gonna be here from the 5th to the 11th (January), so i'll only be in school monday-wednesday, then i'm off on my extended vacation!! Yays!!
Anywho, if I don't find some old kahki pants to cut up and use for Kyou's pant straps, then i'm gonna have to do one of 3 things..
1. Find the fabric from a fabric store
2. Go to a thrift store and buy some pants to turn into the straps
3. Use the cloth from my old closet to make it.
Either way, i'm gonna get this done before Megacon.
Today i'm gonna work on my 2 computers (I built one for my mom, but i still own it xD). They are both running on 512 ram now (finally). Thanks go out to my friend Kolin for hookin meh up! I'm on a mission now to clear up my 2 hard drives (don't forget my mom's).
After that, I should be sending off Karen's present. Sorry it's taking so long, but I had to make some final touches ^^. After that, I may go to work with my mom and get a Scrub (Nurse outfit). I'm trying to think of a cosplay chara who wears one. Either that, or I can cosplay a zombie hospital employee! RAWR!! If I find a cheap labcoat at the uniform place, then i'll get that instead and take pics of my mom and I as Doctor and Nurse.
Latley i've been sword training more than usual. Guess I want to better myself for the con battles i'm gonna be in. I want to perfect my technique, so I can beat Cloud. Just you wait Cloudo.. I will defeat you..
I own this small Japanese Vase that used to sit next to my bed on a shelf, but at night, i'd accidentally knock it off and it'll crash on the floor. Funny thing is it just crashed, making noise, but never broke. It's scratchless!! Now that's a cool vase! (And it only cost me a buck!)
Well, that's my long entry for the day. Not much else to say.
Love and Peace! |
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I had Niko help me by telling me to treat this as a table, and then rest was cake.. cheesecake! Mmm! Thanks Niko for telling me to edit it table style! |
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Cosplay List for 2006!!
Kadaj *Final Fantasy Advent Children*
School Shinji *Evangelion*(almost done)
Plugsuit Shinji *Evangelion* (Got most of the items I need, now to put em together and work on it!)
Boy Ranma *Ranma 1/2*
Kakashi Sensei *Naruto* (mostly done)
Teen Toad *Super Mario Bros.*
J Rocker Cat Boi *Original* (getting there)
Havoc *Full Metal Alchemist* (Just need the hair)
Kyou Souma *Fruits Basket* (tweaking the pants)
Tsuo of the Turks *Original.. Final Fantasy VII series* (done)
Iruka Sensei *Naruto* (working on ninja shoes)
Roy Mustang *Full Metal Alchemist* (done)
Maes Hughes *Full Metal Alchemist* (done)
Ron McDougall *Outlaw Star* (getting ready to make the castor gun)
Brock *Pokemon* (Gotta buy an orange shirt now)
Zack *Final Fantasy Advent Children* (I'm working on the buster sword)
Naota Nandaba *FLCL*
I may cosplay..
Mugen *Samurai Champloo*
Cid Highwind *Final Fantasy Advent Children*
Little Slugger *Paranoia Agent*
Group Cosplay..
Eva Pilots
Advent Children
Bedtime Cosplayers (sleeping clothing cosplay to be at cons from 11pm-2am)
These costumes will be in the works throughout 2006 and make their debuts at the various cons.
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
A Poet's Post
I've decided (with persuasion) to post my poetry here.. so yea.. This is some of what is to come!
The Truth Is..
I don't care what you say
It's not important anyway
You'll never be up and above
When you forsake the ones you love
Destruction, Suffering, and Pain
Such hardships aren't easy to maintain
Let your soul go to the flames of black
And never think of looking back
Rise Up
Fall Down
Rise Up
Fall Down
Begin again..
I wake up in the morning.. and let the water from the shower hit my head.
Thinking of the day ahead.
I let it pour as my thoughts drift away..
as I remember the sacrifices every day..
Leaving hopes and dreams behind, just to make people fair.
Abandoning my love and prides for people who don't care.
I made the sacrifices..
Giving all that I earn to those who just want self gain.
Lying to myself that I exist for a purpose. That I matter the same..
But my life is a sacrifice.. Nothing more, nothing less.
All I attain, waisted on the wretched ones who throw it away and see.
No matter how it pains me to give it to them, they abandon it, and me.
Why am I just a sacrifice?
I want value, purpose, and to be cared for by someone with a soul Constantly rejected and thrown about. Given up for the hearts of cold..
I am just a sacrifice, and everything I do will be a sacrifice, to you and everyone else.
Left in the taunt..
Searching for the light of want..
I want to be wanted
to be sought by someone who I can one day find..
But there is no love for the sacrifice's kind..
I turn off the water and step out the shower, eyes a wide..
staring at the mirror, wondering when the pain will cease..
But no matter what, at least..
The sacrifice will suffer with pride..
Please don't have pity on the sacrifice's whelp..
The sacrifice is offered for the benefits of others
who forget the one that gave himself
for the ones who don't love him.
So forever more I shall be lain
For the sacrifice suffers eternal pain.
Tears of Agony
Pain is your only outlet
From everyone and any,
You consume it as your inlet
As I cry tears of agony.
You constantly try so much to hurt
And pierce into my soul...
With a blade of true unholy earth
That drips in mankinds bowl.
You love the taste of others pain,
So long as it's not yours.
You crave and long and go insane,
As the tears of agony pours.
These crimson tears stream down my face
As you continue still.
You strive to make me lose my place
because it is your will.
You heartless beast without a mind
That wants to make me bleed,
Yes in my soul you'll come to find
The wounds came from your feed.
These painful streams come from the heart,
The cause is as you see...
You're the one that made me fall apart
And cry tears of agony.
I Long For You
I long for you my delicate doll
Made of china, beautiful and fragile
I shall protect, and never let you fall,
In my weakest, for you, I will be agile.
How I long for your body so small
Adorable.. yes I wish to hold you..
So perfect that my heart comes to a stall,
Disabling me and whatever I do.
Oh how I long for your white rose skin..
So smooth, just like milk.
This love makes me refuse to sin
For I love your skin of silk.
I long for your lips of cherry look,
For I wish to taste your kiss..
You see, it's my lonley heart you took,
So please just show me bliss..
Say you long for me..
Say you want me so..
Say you wish to be happy..
Stay with me and never let go..
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Think of the Kittens
This truly is cruelty to animals.. and you just shouldn't do this to a kitten. This site IS REAL, and WRONG! Support us and protest against this sin against kittens. (Domo-kun is gonna kill the creator of this horrific site.)
-Ace and Slippy |
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
Iruka Sensei

This is a test as me cosplaying Iruka Sensei. I sure hope I look like him.. |
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
The video up now is one I made called "Living Up To A Legend". Hope you all lie it! ((Yes, I know it's dbz...)) Future vids will most likley be Evangelion and possibly Advent Children. |
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
This is me, Tsuo of the Turks!!
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