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England with step sisters but I'm a Spanish.
Member Since
A Student indeed!
Real Name
Santiago (Joe is the English more-easy-say one so everyone calls me it XP)
Alot! =P
Anime Fan Since
I met Keza and Lou!
Favorite Anime
Naruto or a yugioh like the stup sisters!
to someday find my parents
Surfing, eating an ice-cream!
| SpanishDukeGuy666
x- MyO Family -x
My Mama:
My Papa:
My Sisters: QT Ryou xx and ILoveRockLee
My: Brothers:
My Wife: Ms.FullMetal
My daughter:
My son:
My bit on the side:
My pet:
My Cousins:
My English teacher:
My fan:
My Precious:
My Ice cream maker: NakagosEvilSister
(PM Me if you want to be a part. QT started it!)
Hello people of anime =P I am a 16 year old Spanish one who can speak the English alot. I am a step brother of the little sister QT Ryou xx one, and she told me to join so I LOVE YOU PRECIOUS KEZA! It is a nice place I can see...
I enjoy a My Chemical Romance, eating Ice Cream, Surfing (When I'm in spain. No surfing in England at all alot) and more. I like Duke from Yugioh, he is a cool one, and I also like Itachi and Gaara maybe from Naruto. =P

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Hello =P Just to say that I'm passing my English exams. Trying anyway XP Wish me luck alot!
Life has been good. My sisters are great to me... and I shall be 18 very soon :O Isnt it amazing?! I am old! XP
-Duke x
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
yay it is!
Back and better than ever. Well not better than ever, but my english might be a little better...
I hope to speak with you all please PM me.
-Duke x
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Hello people!
I feel like writing out my life story, but it is a very long one XP Can I put it simply? Since alot of you have asked my up bringig I shall say. But don't spread the word it is very saddening to me.
Firstly I am born on 29th September 1991 just a little alot west of Madrid. Later on in 1995 my papa dies and mama one goes too later alot. In my life I move to others and make friends in orfanages all over Spain. But those friends - alot of them I cant be with for long.
Now I get seperated from my sister (the REAL one) and she goes to a different place. I think maybe she was an adopted one maybe. I am still looking for her and my stup family are helping me.
In 2006 I am adopted finally by an English family. I think I found it very hard at first. There are alot of bulies here and the girls always ask me on dates which is very uncomfortig at first when I dont know what they say sometimes.
...and now I am taking my GSCEs here and speeking Englis - which is better getting all the time! In the future I will find my sister and go back to spain. Not that my stup sisters are bad. It is that I don't belong with them. And not that england is bad. Well actually it is XP
Anyway. I hoped you found that alot intreging! I am off to do the dinner! =P
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