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myOtaku.com: SpanishDukeGuy666

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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wolfmistress (01/20/07)

konichiwa! kewl site u have! i added u as a friend! ttyl!


Kitsune901 (01/12/07)

it's sign random guest books day 5 you are the twenty fourth to be signed today.
don't you feel special?
special enough to add me as a friend?
then special feeling time is over!

aquaninjagirl (01/09/07)

hey nice site and the bg is cool adding u as freind sign gb

blue619angel (01/09/07)

hey, I like your site. It is so cool. you seem like a cool person. I'm adding you as a friend if that's alright with you.

punkprincess4545 (01/08/07)

Please Sign my gb or i will shoot..!
.../ --___________---_____]
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.../ (.) ), --"
/___// LOL... BYE!

Jaguar (01/08/07)

Welcome to the O! Always great to see new faces in the new year! I hope you have a fantastic time here and join in and post all kinds of great goodies! ^^ I wanted to stop in and thank you for commenting on my latest Kakashi e-card. I'm really glad you liked it! I love making them so I'm glad you liked it! Thanks again and take care!!

karasusnumber1 (01/07/07)

thanx 4 signing my gb! and i love commenting on ecards cuz i always have the best things to say! lol i love ur site and thanx for the comment on my art and my site! see ya!

kk byebye

corn (01/07/07)

Thanks for signing my gb ^_^ thanks for the comments on my e-cards as well, lol. I'll add you if you don't mind. ^__^

DarkAngelZelda (01/07/07)

hiys! cool site! ^^ I love the Duke background. He's awesome. I'm gonna add you as a friend, hope you don't mind. Bye


WickedxChibi (01/07/07)

Thanks for signing my GB I love the Duke Background! ^^ HE IS MY FAV. on YGO! ^^

I am going to add you =D

~ Midori ~

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