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myOtaku.com: SpanishDukeGuy666

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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NakagosEvilSister (01/07/07)

you signed my gustbook so here i am signin' yours ^_^

Oh i LOVE yu-gi-oh too ^_~
but my favorite is bakura (yup like kez) or kaiba ^_^

nice to meet you too spanish guy!


death from gaara (01/07/07)

Hi! thx for sighing my gb! love your site! well I have to go so byes! *death fom gaara*

myanimeworld149 (01/06/07)

hey! thnxs for signing my gb! i like your site too!! could you comment my pics one day?thnxs!bye!

@---- a rose for you!

mythrin (01/06/07)

'ey there! Just wanted to drop by and thank you for signing my guestbook and for the neat comments. Gaara owns at many things XD. Anyway, welcome to theotaku!! I'll add you to my friends list and feel free to pm me any time! I'd also be interested in hearing more of your poems. Take care and thanks again!

QT Ryou xx (01/06/07)

Uhh... hi? Ok, you asked me to sign ya guestbook, Joe. I don't know what to say, but as you are standing right behind me, so yeah XD This is just my lil tribute to your site, bro ^^ I hope ya like it here and make lots of friends. I'll be your first if you want - but only if you promise to stop calling me Kaze rather than Keza XD Naaahhh... it's ok *bow *bow*

~ Kez ^^

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