kitabug69 (10/31/07)
Thanks for coming by and signing my GB and sorry it took me so long to come by and sign yours I have been really busy as of late...
I love your site it is very well done... I see you have added me as a friend so I have returned the favor as well I hope we can become good friends...
See you around The O...
Kyofanatic13 (10/31/07)
AHHH!! And I see...WATANUKIII!!! XDD I like your theme a lot. The combination of all the anime is pretty awesome! XD Domeki is indeed sexy...I like him...XD And Yuko, too. I love Yuko, she's my favorite character. Anyway thanks so much for signing my GB, I really appreciate it! Hope to see ya around.
Chibikittymau (10/31/07)
hi and thanks for the gb sing i hope we become bff ^^ pm me some time ok ttyl
CrimsonValkyrie96 (10/30/07)
HEY! thanks for signing my gb :D!
o i like your bg with characters from different anime shows. TOTALLY COOL MAN. im going to like add u after u add me cuz im not going to add u if u dont ever add me :P! TTYL
(real name)~Arainne~
RizelmineRedWolf (10/30/07)
hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. i like your bg too. your site's cool. anyways, ttyl! feel free to pm me or anything!
I Am Manga (10/30/07)
You got a pretty nifty site yourself
mamma DX (10/30/07)
Purdy site! I love it ^_^ Thanks for signing my GB! Just returning the favor. I love your goal to be happy. What a wonderful goal.
I hope you don't mind me adding you as a buddy ^_^
Raine puppy (10/24/07)
You seemed interesting so i wanted to say hi and add you!
i hope that is okay.
sorry i can not type wll, some keys on my keyboard randomly F*** up from tme to time.
its making me angry.
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
ima loser baby (10/22/07)
thanks for signing my guestbook ^_^ and yeah, i can barely afford manga sometimes.
holic is so flippin awesome, i haven't gotten a new book though in a while *sigh*
and yeah i'm gonna add you if its alright!
Cucumber Melon (10/21/07)
cute site!