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Guestbook Entries:
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winterroses (01/16/08)
i love your site!!its so cool!!the bgs are cute!!thank you for signing my gb!! id like 2 add you as a friend!!
zabuza sama26 (01/10/08)
* looks around in fascination * wow ur site is beautiful, hi there!
i was checking innocent heat's site and saw the avatar u made for her, it's beautiful, i love ur coloring, and i love chii ^^
ur wallpapers are great too. i love that dolly kiss/cherry blossom one, its AWESOME XD
ur e-cards, are simply a touch of art^^ they're wonderful XD
wow, i love ouran too! if it wasnt for naruto it would have been my favorite, it's only the fact that naruto was my first anime to watch that i love it^^, u see i just cling on something when i love it even if other stuff are better, as u can see i cant digest the fact that zabuza is not a main character and he's dead... he's practically been my top character ever since he dropped dead "^^ ( i have a very taste i know :P) dont worry! i do have other favorite characters :P
i have watched fruits basket and chobits and i love both (we have some stuf in common ^^)
oookay here i go again, i start blabbing and cant stop, well im adding u as a friend, but if u dont want that, u can just tell me...
until the next time we meet...*poof*!
.:: zabuza sama26 ::.
shizayum xx (01/05/08)
Nice site =]
Haha, baseball games are pretty much the only long thing I can pay attention to.
Lelavadee (01/05/08)
Cute page! I luv the backgrounds!
I was looking around myotaku and I saw your name and I was like sparkle! Awesome name!
Mrs. Sessy514 (01/04/08)
Hey! This is Sango87! I deleted my other site and I hope you'll sign my guest book on my new site!^^ Please. Id love that!! Thanks. Once again, love the site. Thanks! I've re added you. Hope you remember me.
makiXmaki (01/03/08)
hey!!! thnx for singing my GB! acutally I dont mind if you sepeak to me in eanglish or in spanish I feel comfortable with both languages eaven if I dont write eanglish verry well, I think Im not gonna add you as a friend cuz I dont think I can come visit all the time, you know we both have lifes...any way if you think you could help me out with my site that would be really nice
vixen fire (01/03/08)
hey there! thanks for signing my gb! id love to talk to you and be your friend! im not very good at starting the conversations, but ill try!^^' anyways, i LOVE your XXXHOLIC theme!!! its awesome. BYW:how do you pronounce "XXXHOLIC"? anyways, this is all i have time to put, 'cause ive gotta update my site...ive been gone a while, and my computer wouldn't let me log in.^^' well see ya! ja ne!!
=^vixen fire^=
just.me (01/02/08)
Hey sprarkle 078! :P
Thank you very much for dropping by my site :3 I like your rules, very nice ones ^__^ I'd love to be friends ^^
I like your e-cards a lot, the sayings fit good with the pictures and the font (of the letters) as well :3 Keep up the good work ^^
See you around~!
KrazyKool93 (01/01/08)
thanks for the cmmnt. =] Love ur site
it's cutee...n___n
adding u asa friend if oks??
Thanks again....
krokun (12/31/07)
hello! thanks thanks for singing my gb!!haha well my dream of learnig japanese looks very far for me!!!but when i finish school i will try to start with my dream! hahah
omg! really nice bg i lov it, is so cute!!!well hope ya comment me! i promise to comment u too!well bye
take care!
|°dattebayo lover|°
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