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myOtaku.com: sparkle 078

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demon dragon (11/23/07)

Hi there! I was just clicking on random people's names and it lead me to your site ^^
I really like the background, it is suuuper kawaii (cute)
DNAngel and Ouran are both awesome!
Well, hope that you come by my site and sign back ^^


ShadowsCastByDusk (11/23/07)

lol well i do know of the clone syaoran, but i haven't read much further than his little entrance.
i envy your occupation, by the way.
and thanks for visiting my site, your background is cute too. i love the dragonflies.
tata for now!

DarkxBlood (11/23/07)

Hiya, thanks for signing my guestbook. I love your site! Its so cute! ^_^ I love Tsubasa, I only have 1-5 volumes of the manga.

Unfortunately, I rarely go to Myo these days. So please forgive me if I don't comment that much. But please be aware that I do comment, even if it takes forver.

I'm going to add you as my friend, alright?

~ See ya and take care! ^^

Teapot Domescam (11/22/07)

Yeah I try really hard not to associate myself with the younger "otaku" crowd. Most of them are either extremely obsessed with no life, or really immature... lol not to be mean or anything, but hey it's true!! I love nerds to an extent, but there's a line between cool nerds and just plain..well nerds! Lol

I love CCS!! It was what got me into liking anime to begin with. I like Yukito, he's sooooo adorable. I want him to be my boyfriend XD Lol if only there was an exact real life replica of him somewhere in the world... then things would be perfect

Anyways, I suppose I'll talk to you later. Have a happy thanksgiving


nekotonezumi (11/21/07)

hi there ^__^
thanks for signing my GB, and wow, what a cool site of tsubasa ^o^ i like the way you put the background, it's really nice...
and i saw that you put Hikaru Utada's Sakura Drops on your music list ^__^ yaa~~ay, another Hikki fangirl!! (or, maybe you put that song because of 'Sakura' word in it...?) anyway, i love Hikaru Utada, so i love your site ^o^

randomized05 (11/21/07)

hey thanks for signing my guestbook!! much appreciated!! wow i see that u became a member on here on my birthday, sorry i just felt like pointing that out XD
well i will be addin u and also im usually slow in commenting on others sites so jus gimme a week at the most to return the favor...i always do return the favor but never right away most of the time, jus letting u know ^_^
i luv ur site btw!!
well if u ever wanna message me feel free to.
well ill see ya around, have a great day!!


rainflower (11/21/07)

hello!!! thanx for signing my gb!!! i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv the bg, its the cutest evvvvvvvvvvvver, i love it!!!

yes...well im gonna add u, u seem pretty AWSOME!!!

i ws wundering if i could get that cookie


Koolaid-chan (11/18/07)

Well hi there! Thank you very much for the sign and compliments. ^^ Sorry about that, once I have some real time, I'm gonna fix it up again and see if I can make it easier to read. ^^''' I love your site too CCS was my first manga, and anime. (Well, except for Pokemon xD) Anyhoo, it's an epic one. Oh cool, you play flute? I used to play it, but now I'm quite rusty. *squeakyfluteinbackground* So, I'm gonna add you as a friend and I'll see you around ^^
ps yay koolaid!

ice nija dragon (11/05/07)

hi cool site is awsome i'll add you as a friend ok

The Shirt (11/01/07)

Thank you for signing my guestbook. That was awfully nice. I am returning the favor. I had a little trouble seeing you guestbook link though. My eyes aren't that great as it is... >>" So sorry.

Take care~

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