Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
well i haven't updated in a while...i don't now why i haven't...i guess i just haven't felt like it. well i can nothing to, BUT! i did try drawing the other day...ugh, that wasn't pretty. i guess some people aren't meant to draw...T_T. so anyways would you like me too update more about my stupid life? i don't mind sharing. [i walked in the rain again today. i don't know why but i like makes me happy]
so here is an opening i like. i love the animation and the song is good too! it is the opening for Air TV.
it's pretty. [my mom thinks it weird, but she doesn't like anime, T_T]
anyways a quiz:
Which xxxHOLiC character are you?
You are Clow Read.An excessive introvert, you would rather stay inside and think than be around other people. That's too bad; you have a rather witty and fey sense of humour that others could enjoy.But this doesn't matter; others tend to stay away from you, either from fear or contempt. This hurts you deeply. You live a comfortable life, but still feel depressed; however, you're quite skilled at hiding your emotions.Thus, no one knows of your misery- and you intend to keep it that way. Take this quiz!