Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
hello people!
well i'm almost done with my gb signings. [i got distracted so i only did 25]i'll finish later. so yeah there are rules now. i hope you don't mind. i just don't want a million friends who don't ever visit. i rather have only a few close friends than a lot of strangers who i call friends. do you know what i mean. if the rule is too strict i might remove it later on. but it was nice meeting all of those new people and i welcome [if any did return] you here. [and to all that i did give a proper welcome]
thank you for the comments. i'm going to answer something from it. honors classes are classes that are one level higher than normal classes so it is a lot of work. [but i already did it last year so i know i can do it]and i do have 7 periods. school starts at 9 and ends at 4:15, so i don't get home until 5. [i won't be on until 9 or 10]so updates will be very late.but i will be on hopefully.also i have to use a locker since i have like 5 or 6 big textbooks. so it is necessary [this is what i get for wanting to be smart]also this didn't come up but i just want to explain it. at our district high school is divided into 2:high school and senior high. high school has grades 9 to 10 and senior high has 11 to 12. i don't know why they did that but that is how it is. right now i am in a class of 970+ students and by the time a graduate i will be in a class of 2000+ students. so it will be hard for me to continue being in the top 10%. [ugh, life is going to be horrible]
ok, well today nothing important happened really. i talked to my friend for hours. wah! T__T i have no classes with her. and she made me realize how horrible my schedule is the worst! i'm going to have lunch either first or last at 1 pm! ahh! i hate it!it made me so sad...and mad! well anyways i hope something important happens. *hands a piece of cake to any one who reads and comments*