Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
subject? about none?XD
Well this is going to be short. Yes short, I hope [watch this be the longest thing ever, XD] well school has continued. We got our agendas today. And yeah it sucks. [I have a ton of quizzes coming up and the projects are starting to roll out now. They even started talking about science fair. There is no way I am doing that.] so life sucks. School is a drag [lol! I don’t know maybe you did rub this off, ake-kun]yeah, I can’t wait until the year is over. I get a car and I get to go to senior high.
Let’s talk about English! We went insane, yet again. But we are writing the next day so we won’t be able to talk. How many people want to bet that we won’t be sitting by each other by the end of the next month? I seriously walk in every day and ask them “is this going to be the day we get separated?” this is the class I go craziest in. oh! And multimedia too, but today I was busy doing homework from the day before. And the row of jess got separated. T_T. so everybody is running around doing homework and a ton of projects. School…I HATE IT!
Well, anyways, I got tagged by Emmah.
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.
ok here we go…
1.i had some alcohol when I was 8 and got tipsy from it.
2.i have a beauty mark on my left cheek
3.i’m short for my age. [I’m 15 and I’m only 5’ 5”]
4.i love dark things but I don’t like being in the pitch black
5.i hate chocolate ice cream but I love everything else chocolate
6.i’m the drunk one from my friends in English
7.i use to have braces [not anymore though! *shows off perfect smile*]
8.i lost my first kiss in kindergarten [I had a full boyfriend and we would kiss on the mouth. Eww! I can’t believe I did that. I don’t even remember his name. lol]