Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, September 8, 2007
heya! well let's i went to the store with my mom and she was going to waste even more money on some stupid car crap for my brother. she has spent more than $150 on cars for him and has never spent a single dime on me. so i started yelling at her that it wasn't fair. [in the middle of the store...-_- poor me]that she should atleast buy one thing. All the manga and anime I have has been bought by me, and me only. She has never bought anything for me. So I got very pissed off at her, but now I am calming down.
Well a lot of random things popped into my head today. While I was reading my book, I started thinking "do records have to sides?" the sister asked which side, which ended up confusing me. I always thought there was only one side like a CD. oh! then i thought "can you send a picture in a pm?" so now I want to send a picture to somebody. Who wants me to send them one to experiment? lol. there was some other stuff that popped into my head but i can't remember so i will just end it here. [wow i've been really boring lately...]
1. ummm....What is your favorite anime/manga?
2. If you could be any anime/manga character who would you be?
3. ummm....Do you wish you could be a proffesional mangaka?
1. Cardcaptor Sakura
2. Either Yuuko or Sakura [so I could be with Syaoran. XD]
3. That would be nice but I suck at drawing so no.
Well tomorrow I have the pleasure of memorizing 20something elements and reading about china. yay! *sarcasm*. when is summer going to come?!XD