Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hello! Well I can’t be on for much. So let’s get right to the point. Yesterday [Friday] I stayed after school to work on our group project. We decided to go to the public library that was near our school instead of staying at school. Bad idea. We got there and none of us had a library card with us [you need one to get on the computer] and there were no computers. All the computers were taken by kids watching anime [guess which one. *dramatic pause* every single one was watching naruto. Every single one.] Or on their my space. Seriously some people need to get of the my space and you tube. So anyways we are tired of looking so we finally give up and just stand there. Then this guy who was playing some game [which kept on losing at. Ha, in his face] asked us if we needed a computer. We, of course, told him yes, that we needed it for a project. So instead of this guy getting off and letting us use it he told us to look at the kid’s section [we did, there were none], to wait 1 or 2 hours for people to get off [1 member had to leave in an hour], and then he told us he didn’t know what to do and went back playing his game. What great help he was. -___- so finally we get a computer [after forever. Finally the kid stopped watching naruto] and then the stupid librarians start complaining over how many people are at the computer. One said it was fine if there were 3 [there were 4 in my group that day] and somehow we grew to 5 people. [ok not somehow. One of the guy’s girlfriend found us there and joined us. Which led is to a talk about yaoi and yuri] so they kept on b-tchin’ and b-tchin’ that we all left except 2. We got like nothing done. We are so going to fail. -_______-
Well one good thing happened at the library. I ran into one of my old friends who is now going to senior high. I love him. [not in that way of course] We talked forever and he made me realize how I don’t want o become a junior. He quit band just like I did. Every body is quitting band, but it is really too much work. I’m glad I quit. I have a whole lot less stress now. Well anyways it was fun talking to him.
I’ve been rambling a lot now, haven’t I? well I am feeling sort of better now. I’m still sick but I got a 89 on my algebra test. Yes! I’m not failing. But my history test I got an 70 on it so now I have a 73 in there. Boo…T_T. my class rank is going to be so low. Well anyways I don’t know if I will be on Sunday so I’ll see you when I see you! Ta ta!! [btw I added a wallpaper on Friday]