Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Sunday, December 9, 2007
TIME 1:26 AM~unusally happy for this early...
Hello!!! I wasn't going to update this week but i just got great news that made me happy so I decided to update. lol. Nothing is good like good spoilers for your current obssesion for a fangirl. I'm so happy now!!! I can't wait for Tuesday to get the new chapter of Tsubasa. kyaaaa!!! anyways let's talk. lol. that sounds funny.
this whole week i've been going to sleep at 1AM or later. i was so tired!!!! I was falling asleep every day in my spanish class. I could barely keep awake. But at least my chemistry teacher decided to make the second part of the project due after the break instead of monday. speaking of her-I'M SO F***ING PISSED AT HER!!! Remember the big project that i had that took me away from here forever? Yeah, well she didn't even read it. She just gave everybody a 100. GRRR!!! MY friend only did half of it and still got a 100. That's so not fair. It was a complete waste of time. OH!!! and to top it all of, she even announced that she hates our class. bitch.
well on friday i went to my friends house. She was having a reunion at her house for grandmother's death. WOW, took soooo much lying just to get to her house. I had to lie to the dean and the bus driver just to get on the bus to her house. lol. The risk was so trilling. and then i went to church with her. o.O so confusing. It was in vietnamese. we are both catholic but i was still confused. That hour was soooooooooooooo long. the rest of the night was fine except for the fact that her mom kept shoving food on me. I WASN'T HUNGRY!!! lol.
I know this site is so ugly right now. [compared to how it use to be. T___T so beautiful] I'll be fixing it soon. I think i might take a break from Tsubasa. Did I tell you i love my avatar? lol. I love it b/c i made it. i know it isn't great but still, it's mine. lol. here it is:
hmmm...any suggestions for site themes? lol. Updates keep on becoming less, huh? I don't know when i will be back completely. [lol. XD i have crank dat (soulja boy) stuck in my head right now. XD my friend is trying to get me to dance it. lol]