Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, April 11, 2008
HOLY SH-T...update-------TIME:12:07 PM
Hey peoples. How are all of you doing? WOW. o.O I got more comments than i expected. I got 5, yeah!!! lmao. I don't think i can get as many this time. It's been what 2 weeks? Oh well. I changed the site a little. Don't like it except for the fact that it has Syaoran and Syaoran on there!!! kyaaaa!!! i've become such a clonecest/syaocest/twincest fan. lol, it doesn't seem right in real life but who cares?-------LIFE OF A CRAZED FANGIRL
Well, I had my surgery and let me tell you-I HATED IT!!! The pain is gone (this is the 3rd day) but i 'm starting to swell up. WTF!? And the stupid lady messed up on my IV, i have a blood clot-thing on my arm. Not pretty. oh on monday....
I'm sorry for not being here as much. I've been pretty caught up with my deviantART lately...gomen!! if you want to find me somewhere else, here are some places: deviantART theOtaku Veoh YouTUBE Minitokyo
Or you can find me on AIM. My screen name is kobato16
Well i hope to see you soon. Now off to do hw and commenting...everywhere. -___-'
My fangirl side is showing. XD I love this song btw. lmao. ttyl!!