Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I HATE WAITING!!!throws hissy fit
MOOD: nyaaah!!!!!! (is that a mood...?)
DATE: 6/18/08 (forgot this last time...-__-'
TIME: 11:15 AM (why is it this early)
Wow, a lot of ppl have been having problems w/ their sound lately. O.O who knew so many. I wished I could help you all. I've had pretty much all of those problems. -__- Like when I first got Firefox I couldn't play any videos from YouTube or anything. Luckily, I got that fixed. All I had to do was download the latest version of Flash player..or was it a plug in. XD But luckily that was an easy fix. [btw, I just got Firefox 3. it's weird. XD oh well, I'll get use to it] I also had a problem w/ my sound card on my old computer. No idea how to fix that. I ended up just getting a new one. *the one I am on right now* lol, I use to have the slow connection problem too. Got that one fixed too. Now I have broadband, not the best but still better. *wished I had Fios...-__-*
Anyways, sorry for not posting. On Sunday I got really depressed. We decided to celebrate my bro's b-day [which was yesterday] b/c we wouldn't have time on tuesday. We went out to eat and at the restaurant *chinese, XD me and my asian stuff* We met up with my mom's uncle [they are about the same age, one year older i think]. That was totally random b/c none of us had planned it. XD anyways, that led to me getting depressed. As we all know it was father's day on sunday. I got depressed seeing my great-uncle (?) being a good father w/ his daughter. -__- i know, i should be ashamed of that. But it just got me thinking about the old times. How we use to be a "happy" family and I actually celebrated that day.Then we went to one of my mom's friend's house. -__- BORING!!! anyways, at some point in time they started talking about my dad [btw, it wasn't good] whatever, fuck them. No matter what he did he is still my dad. I spent the whole time listening to my iPod at a deafening volume. But let's cheer up now. *forces herself to smile* ^^
lmao, Everybody told me to continue in my fangirling ways. XD *hugs you all* THANK YOU!! my friend thinks that I over do it sometimes. Somehow I ended up getting married to him and ummmm.... *blush* (doesn't want to say it) to the guy in my bg (Ikuta Toma), thanks to my 2 friends. WTF!? Anyways, I need to start watching anime again. I've only watched 5cm per second lately [sad movie but beautiful animation]. NYAAH!!! I hate waiting. I want the next episode to my drama. I started watching Absolute Boyfriend lately. Is the manga any good? I WANT MORE!!!!NOW!! also the next chapter to Ouran, PLEASE!! I really hate waiting.
o.O Getting kinda bad. I think I should end it now.
lmao, love Dane Cook. ^///^ I want to name my child Rrrrrr.
1. Any crazy names for your children?
2. How was your weekend?
Leaving you now, you must be so bored. XD Anyways, I gotta go eat. I have some cake calling me. XD
See you next post!!! Comments