Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 O_O
TIME: 1:05 PM
MOOD: tired....
Hey ho!! [no, i'm not calling you a ho, XP] Well, I started Driver's Ed now.....O.M.G. boriiing!!! But it's keeping me away from here. Sorry. I don't have as much time anymore for the computer. The time that I spent on here is now spent over there learning about crap that isn't even important to driving!! grrr... Anyways, just a heads up, I won't be commenting nor submitting stuff daily. I don't want to apologize every time, gets tiring.....
Ok, there's a site change...kinda like the old one more....I made this so long ago....don't even remember when I did. Looks like crap....moving on.
You know what I miss? All the emoticons on dA. They sure do help when writing. I don't even like the ones on theO....they're...bleh. Not my type. *plans on stealing a ton for dA*
Oh yeah, this Otakuite has been on here for a year now. O_O long. I got 204 guestbook signings in 1 year...kinda wished i could say i got one for everyday. XD SO i think you should go thank this card
for making me join. XD i wanted to share that picture so that was the only reason i joined. XD i know, cheap reason.
Oh yeah, one more thing!!!
this is my new affair *click on image for larger one*
sexy man, huh? XD oh god...this is what happens when i am stuck w/ my friend in a really boring class. Not only am I married and pregnant w/ twins w/ this guy:
I am also having an affair w/ the director of Texas Department of Public Safety. Holy frick!!!My life is great!!!! *sarcasm*
I'll comment back slowly so just be patient.
thought this was adorable
so cute. ^////////^ i'm in love w/ dango now. [darn you, CLANNAD!!!!]
have a great week!!! Hope that I pass my permit test!! *goes off to study*