Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
*blinks repeatedly* WHAAAAAAAA-T!!?
TIME:started at 10 something finished at midnight XD
MOOD: shocked....O_O
*stares at screen and little flashing text thing, you know thing that flashes when you aren't typing, right?* ok...well early today... i was very pissed w/ my mom... only the millionth time this week...will explain later. i don't want to talk about that right now...... *blinks*
what has me this shocked? well, today, on this lovely summer afternoon [ok, night...whatever XP] i happen to come to theO and was doing some commenting when i happen to look at my comment. and instead of having the cute little title of "Otakuite" i was now a *dramatic music* Senior Otaku.
*sigh* -__-
i sound like some old fag..... *gets glared at by all the seniors and higher* how the hell did that happen? -__- otakuite sounds a million times cuter than senior otaku....can i change my name now...? hehehe CHOTTO MATTE!!! [the japanese for today]
does this mean...i'm a senpai now...!? O_O
if that's a yes....
SUGOI!!! lmao [ok...maybe a little more today]
lmao, i really am simple minded.
While I was gone, I was able to get some watching of stuff done. *nods* but first.... I GOT MY PERMIT!! on my first try...lmao, anyways.
I got done watching:
1. Zettai Kareshi [Absolute Boyfriend]
LOVED the drama!!! Hiro...i luv you!! XD
2. Oruchuban Ebichu NOTE: Contains ADULT content. NOT recommended for young kids not a joke.
3. Clannad
Not as good as Air, i have to say.
4. a ton of ikuta toma stuff
some of it really was funny. I recommend watching this one: [LINK] since most of you aren't fans.
If someone requests it, i will do a review for any of them. I really don't mind.
So now this is all the stuff I have to watch now: Anime
Code Geass, S.A. [Special A], The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note [i know, i still haven't watched it XP], Magic Knight Rayearth, Kanon
Neverland, Last Friend, Romeo & Juliet, Maou, Hana Kimi [taiwanese version], Attention Please
Just keep up w/
Ouran, Kobato., xxxHOLiC, Tsubasa RC, Hoshi wa Utau, DNAngel I am NOT starting any new ones!!
A lot to if you have any comments for those, shoot them at, i've been writing this post for over an hour...stupid pictures, took to long to edit. XD
one more thing [b/c i'm tired of writing this thing XP] Guess what i got this weekend w/ my mom's money w/o her knowing!!
CLAMP no Kiseki volume 12!!
i was soooooooooooo happy!!!
I finally got the Syaoran figure.
so cute!!! ^/////////////////////^
will provide better image once she gets her camera
1. Did i miss anything, post or art? if yes, please tell me!!
2. What are you currently watching or reading?
3. Wanna kill me? >.< hehehe
Video....? O_O
Ok, the only thing I got out of clannad is my love for dango and Fuko-chan...!! I love her!!! she is so cute!!! XD and i am in love w/ that song now....XD
btw, ZOMG!!! there's music in english now on here. XD
first time ever...i think XD