Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
I <3 Maou!!
MOOD: sleepy but...pleased
TIME: 1:55 AM
MUSIC: Happy B-day to me by Bulldog Mansion
Hello. Well it's kinda early here. *sigh* That's what i get for wanting to watch Maou. Yup, just watched episode 2 in raw. *sigh* No hopes of subs anytime soon. grrrr. anyways, i'm loving it right now. It's really good. But i really need to learn some Japanese. I so don't know enough. I barely understood any of it. [but i got the over all gist of the episode...also thanks to a summary]SO far i am loving Ohno's part. Toma is way too hot headed. XD he needs some loving!!! lmao. but i don't want him w/ the girl. I want the girl to be w/ Ohno. XD first time i ever say that. XD
Well this drama is starting to be compared to Death Note. Is Death Note really that dark? lol. But still Maou wins in my heart. I mean between Ikuta toma and L. or
Ikuta Toma wins for me. Toma FTW!!! XD
[EDIT: O_O their hair looks that bad?]
But really the 2 characters that are supposedly similar are Ohno's and L. lol or
Maou is still wining in my heart. lol.
anyways, I did some major fangirling over that ep. b/c TOMA WAS WEARING A SUIT!!!! kyaaaaaah!!! *passes out*
time for some sparkle-chan math
hot guy + suit [or uniform]=ghjds;hg;shgshsd <-sparkle spazzing out.
lol, but really, men in suits are hot. lmao
but...WTH!? Naoto [played by toma ikuta] is a smoker yet...they never show him smoke....XD he always just has a lit cigarette in his hand and when he is about to put it in his mouth the camera moves. XD and then when he has an un-lit one in his mouth somebody always stops him from lighting it. WTF!? do they really not want him to smoke. XD
Ok, quick note here. My sunday....SUCKED!!!! grrrr, even if it was syao's b-day. T__T I got major cramps that hurt like hell. T__T and then when i went out my stupid flip-flop broke on me. All of this equaled a very pissy sparkle-chan. very pissy.
But i went driving today!!! well yesterday...hehehe. Guess who got better!!! We went to the stadium near my house [it's owned by the school] and there i drove in the parking lot and then i got to drive in the little streets there. lol, sounds pathetic but...I DON"T CARE. lol. I did it, and well. So i'm starting drive times soon now.
Oh yeah. About the little icon at the beginning of the post. One of my friends on dA pointed this out:
lmao, he is the new princess peach. lol. now we need a mario. XD i vote eriol to be mario!!! lmao
Hope you are enjoying the Korean music. lmao. Love this song!!! one of the best. oh god, i love doing the screaming part. XD My friend and I did that at a party, lmao, everybody turned around and look at us like we were crazy. XD we are....
Omg, this is the best FLASH made video thingy ever!!!!
SO adorable!!! i'm waiting for the 4th one. XD they are so cute but i can't help but feel sorry for them. XD
Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat, it's not your fault.
They won't take you to the vet.
You're obviously not their favorite pet.
It may not be a bed of roses.
And you're no friend to those with noses.
B/c her songs are pwnage. lmao
Ok getting kinda long again...and i need some sleep. so bye!!!
I want you too. XD
~sparkle-chan ■
2:28 AM