Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
TIME: 12:00 AM ~midnight
MOOD: content
MUSIC: I like a boy in uniform by the Pipettes
Ok, that icon was me after today.[erk, meant yesterday. i was writing this thinking it was still monday XD i fail] ^/////////^ got so much fanservice today. ah, i was in cloud nine for a moment. XD yes, today was good.... more details coming up next.
*sigh* How could i forget the most important part yesterday. *shakes head* shame on me. now, it's out of it's moment. *sigh* oh well, here it goes.
has decided
*drum roll*
what type of driver she wants to be. XD
*everybody falls anime style*
lmao, but yes i decided which type of driver i want to be. I want to be just like TOMA!!!!!!! lmao. [this is going to be in reference to Maou's episode 2, k? try to remember] lol, yes. i'm going to drive just like him. Going to take out my big red siren on the top of my car and go speeding in my car in the middle of the night while screaming Japanese into my phone. Might I add, as an idiot, to all that. Then when i get stuck in the middle of traffic, oh no, i won't wait in my car till i get out of the traffic. HELL TO THE NO!!! I'm just gonna ditch my car and go running like a maniac to where i'm going. Forget the car. pfffft. And then when the policeman stops me, i'll just tell him i saw it in a JDrama and then go crush cars w/ a monster truck w/ Innocent heart. XD [seriously...wth?]
And all the world will be well again.
Note i'm not really planning on doing that *sweatdrop*...maybe...
O_O i still can't believe Toma's and L's hair where similar...*blinks* I want my husband to have hair like that....lmao *images her husband w/ hair like this *
wow....but i'm glad that some of you are interested in Maou. I'm gonna go watch Death Note now to see if they are similar. Just wait for a report. lol. and wow....Stixx, you are very possessive over L. lmao. looking forward to all those babies. XD
Oh yeah, i think i know why he doesn't smoke when he is a smoker. lol. I think that Ikuta Toma is a non-smoker. I've never seen him smoke before [and i've watched a ton of stuff] so they probably don't want to "endanger" his life and just make him hold it. [b/c the second-hand smoke sure won't do anything to his lungs XD]
lol, changed the song to match us a little better. XD since we all like a guy in a suit. [what do guys like.....sluts? lmao] but there's something i want to clarify.
"I want to kiss everyoneall the guys in uniform."
lmao, i am so not becoming bi.
ugh, when am i ever going to get to the topic of this post. T__T no!!! we are not there yet!!!!
i'm going to make it the shortest possible, k?
well today was an awesome day for my fangirl side, all the other sides...not so much. XD I got great news that made me go like this:
oh so very happy. ^^ There's gonna be an xxxHOLiC OAD!!!!!!!!! *jumps* w00t!!! omg, so happy. maybe they might finish subbing the xxxHOLiC Kei anime. [it got licensed so most have stopped subbing T_T]
and then i got a whole lot of this:
Syaocest lovin!!!! Oh god, so much giggling and blushing happened today. I still have some more to go read and see. Thank the lord for Livejournal [and the syaorancest community, became a member today. ^///////////^]. Some of it was WOAH!!! hot!!! lmao, think i might read it again....hehehe [oh yeah, i got some ouran stuff too, good day]
b/c ppl thought the other one was cute, here is the second one
i'll show the next part next post.
this is the last thing, k? then i will end it b/c it's too long. *sweatdrop* as you can see...i have no control. lmao. ok, i need help writing a fanfic. you see, there's this kissing scene *cough* and yeah...not very good w/ writing that. XD lol. and it's the major point in it [there's no leaving it out, need my fanservice]. SO yeah... I need help w/ that. [plus it's my first fanfic but i'm sort of confident in my writing] lol, before i get comments about how to make the girl shy or stuff like that....uh, there's no girl. XD it's between two guys. [note, they have been mentioned in this post already...guess who?] so yeah, any advice shoot it my way.
Btw, thanks for all the wonderful comments. You guys are so great. *hug* Love you all. ^^
love you all, btw i changed my icon. do you like?
12:45 AM