Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, July 18, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hidely ho, neighborinos!!
TIME: 2:25PM
MOOD: tired...-__-
MUSIC: Hana Kimi OST
Hey ppl, sorry for the sudden leave. Idk...i just wasn't really in the mood. -__- not a good excuse but oh day i had a headache and the next i just felt like bleh. so yeah....
I left the song the same b/c it inspired a fanfic idea. XD Might share w/ you all after i am done. I'm going to go write as soon as i am done w/ this. *nods* btw.... FEED THE FISHIES!!! they are there for your entertainment. ^^ hope you enjoy them.
Well nothing much has happened lately. Driver's ED is done on saturday. I have a drive time on tuesday...I'll talk about that more later. hmmm..... Well i got news about the new Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC OAD's. ^^ happy to hear that. hopefuly i will finally get to see my sexy fai in his hot infinty clothes all beat up!! O_O
click for larger
SEXY!!! *A*
lol, oh yeah...let's celebrate, k? I forgot about my let's celebrate today!! *hands out the champagne* what kind of wife am i?
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Clone Syaoran and sparkle_078 were married on July 11, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Good year, good year. he actually came back. XD
The third part:
Enjoy, it just keeps on getting cuter. Sadly the next part isn't out yet. T__T
Well i'm sick of writing [as you are reading] so bye!!! *runs off to write and eat lunch*
awwww, poor syaoran. *huggles him*
2:38 PM