Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Yamamoto Yusuke is a SEXY beast!!
MOOD: tired
MUSIC: truth by Arashi
TIME: 10:35 PM
lol, that very icon is the truth. -___- I've had the whole summer and when do i decide to start my online summer school? 12 days before school starts. BAKA!!!! I don't even have the book so i have to order tomorrow. T___T Guess who's gonna have weekend school instead of summer school. ME!! Also I had summer reading/annotating that i was suppose to do for English III AP, guess who didn't do it!? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took the book w/ me to on the trip. I did some of it [ok, i lie, i read 3 pages....-__-'] and then lost it. T_____T All my great effort was wasted!! WAH!! I had to go buy a new one today. ummm, Any of you have an annotated copy of The Great Gatsby that you want to send my way? Please. *pouts*
Anyways, please redirect your attention to the top video at the intro of the sight and watch it. If you don't watch at least half...something very important to of yours will be lost. *glares* I MEAN IT!! *waits patiently for ppl to do what she ordered them to do* OKEARI!!! [oh yeah, ppl asked last time what that means. It means "welcome back". Traditionally in Japan, when you return home you say Tadaima (I'm back) and then the ppl who are there in return say "Okeari-nasai". little Japanese lesson of the day. ^^] *sigh* Isn't Ohno-san the best. He's the leader. [he appears alone at 0:10] I still need to go watch more Maou. I was surprised to see that they still were able to show the PV even after the scandal that Ohno-san got himself into. The band was about to be broken up. I need to go read and see what happened. [YouTube is being gay and took it them down...sorry if you don't get to see it. T__T]
Ok....I need to clear something up. I AM NOT A YAOI FAN! there, i said it. I only support shounen-ai and a little shojo-ai. I don't support anything graphic like yaoi or yuri. Even though Syaocest is so sexy. XD Oh yeah, SyaoranxSyaoran is both clonecest [doing it w/ your own clone o_O] and twincest, just depends on what series. But for all you crazy girls who want more yaoi, here you go. I accidentally downloaded it. I thought it was a cute fluffy story of TamakixKyouya...turns out it wasn't. T___T Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7
If you want the whole thing just tell me in your comment and i'll send it to you. *sigh* I still want to know what it says. It had some very cute moments.
I'll make a post on the weekend where I talk about my trip. I was going to do it today but it's already getting long and I want to go watch my drama. lol. I'll try to post pictures w/ it. ^^
Oh yeah!!! My Ikuta Toma buddy came by last time!!! *jumps for joy* YAY!!!!!!!!! [btw, chibilala= Ikuta Toma buddy] I wasn't going to post him but you want him on here so....
I still can't believe that some of my friends have married me off to him. XD lol, i love you guys.
ok, Yamamoto Yusuke isn't that hot but he is so cute!!!!!!!!! =3
Let's watch him shower!!! *giddy*
*nosebleed* He's so cute. lol Who could say no to this face:
oh yeah, I have a request. I kinda want an icon or wallpaper [i don't really care which] of him made. I know i'm being really selfish right now but i really want one. T___T I want icon made of this picture. [bottom one] or any other picture. If any brave soul wants to do it just tell me and i'll send you more pictures so you have more to choose from. Thanks. ^_______^
Best Ouran Abridged Series Ever. Trust me, it'll make you laugh.
love it!!! too many jokes.
Anyways, tell me all that happened while i was gone.
Also I made a new card for all of those who care.
This site is in desperate need of a new layout. I'm sick of it!!!!!!!!! Brown go away!!! [fyi, my sweet tooth is dying *sobs*]
You are Mizuki Ashiya, kind at heart, with a firey temper and a lack of self-control at times. Even so, you're a complete sweet-heart, which may be your downfall... Espcially in the kinds of situations that you are trying to pull off >.>;;
Mizuki Ashiya
Hokuto Umeda
Izumi Sano
lol, it sorta matches me. T____T I can't believe i got my love last. T__T. NAKATSU!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day everyone!! Love you all!!!
11:38 PM