Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008 MAOU IS EPIC AWESOME!!!
Mood: exhausted
Music: So Hot by Wondergirls
Time: 11:53 PM
OMG!!!!!!! *runs in circles* I've had this song stuck in my head for days!!! Darn you korean ppl!!! *shakes fist* "I'm so hot, hot, HOT!!" GRRR!!!! If you want to know the song, this is it:
It won't come out of my head!!! T________T booo
As, I'm typing this, I want to change the layout of my site. DX It needs to change....I want to make it Hana Kimi since I'm going back to school...and it's a High School manga....? EH? New layout soon....if school doesn't interfere. T__T
Oh yeah, the title!!!! MAOU IS <3!!!! I loved the episode I watched. I think this drama is easily going to become one of my favorites. I loved the plot twist at the end. YUMMY!!! lol. I love it!! Ohno-san + Toma = HOTNESS ORGY FOR THE EYES!!!! XD
OH!!! I finally got to see Toma w/ a cigarette in his mouth. XD
I have no idea why I enjoyed that so much. XD
Oh yeah!! I started watching Hana Kimi Taiwan the other day. XD Why must I fill my life w/ Hana Kimi now? I'm thinking about picking up the manga again. But I still like the Japanese one more. *nods* Toma, Shun, Hiro, and Yusuke will always win over Wu Chun and Jiro in my heart. [Sorry Mrs. Chun!!! Still love you!!! ♥]
I mean, who would you choose: or
Jiro Wang or Toma Ikuta
*looks at the pictures* Ok....that might be a little hard. XD TOMA FTW!!!!
Oh which reminds me, it seems that I might be creating a couple of fans for him on here. XD I totally didn't mean to do that. lol, So i thought that some of you might be interested in the Birthday Project, ppl have decided to do for him for his 24th B-day [October 7th...I didn't know that till yesterday lol]. They are actually going to be giving him stuff that fans make. XD I'm not doing it.....why? B/c I'm too shy to do stuff like that and my mom would totally freak if I told her about that. So if you guys want any more info on it, go here. I did my part as a fan: advertising. XD AND don't you dare send anything in Sparkle-chan's name!!!! I will kill you if you send anything that has that nickname!! KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! I found out yesterday that Yusuke Yamamoto is only 20!!!! >///////////////< We can totally get married!!! I mean, I'm going to be 17 in less than 3 months [November 16] so he's only, what, 3 years older than me? THAT'S PERFECT!!! LMAO. I mean, Toma is 7 years older than me....still alright by me but......*sweatdrop* LOL, I know this was out of the blue. Oh well....
I've been jumping from topic to topic today. XD oh well....
Since I'm going off to school on Monday this might be my last post in a while. =/
I can't believe this summer is over already. I didn't watch any anime!!! DX I only watched Ebichu and Clannad, which taught me one thing:
I HATE Nagisa!!!!
then, I watched some dramas...which to lead to some obsessions. XD gotta love them
and then I got the little "obsession" w/ Perfume.
I <3 Nocchi!!!!
and I rediscovered my love for Utada Hikaru. ^^
And that was my O____O
I'm listening to So Hot again..*rolls eyes* GO AWAY!!!!!
Ok, I still have summer HW to do so I'm not going to be on on Sunday till I'm done w/ it completely. I really need to get this done!!! I've had all summer. Oh yeah, while I'm in school there will be NO updating during the week. I highly doubt that I will be able to comment at all during the week. I'll try my best on the weekends. But I have to go to dA too [which i've been ignoring for about a month]. So during the week, I will only answer PMs. If you must have your daily fixin of Sparkle-chan, PM ME!!! I'll try my best to avoid what happened last year, where I left for about 4-5 months, came back 3 days, then left till the summer started.
OH YEAH!!! Mrs. Chun (Stixx) made me some awesome icons. I love them. ^/////////^ So pretty, seriously, I want to go on a commenting spree just to see them. lol. Also, Angel Zakuro and Innocent Heart made me some very pretty e-cards. I love them both so much. Thank you!!!!
B/c this post lacks something funny
Ok....maybe it's not funny....XD
I'm kinda out of it today!!! *yawns*
I'll go commenting for an hour then it's sleeping time. T___________T
Sorry long post again...kinda rambled. T_T
Yup, and that's why
I have 3 versions.
12:56 AM Sunday, August 24, 2008