Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 31, 2008 *sigh* I'm so lost here...
Mood: Irritated
Music: Jelly by Capsule
Time: 8:09 PM
*gets stared at* So what!!! I like techno!!!!! XD I know the song is a little weird but I love it. It's Jelly by Capsule. I only started listening to them about 2 days ago. Jelly is my fav. I'm in the process of making a wall for it.
Why 2 posts this week? B/c I have Monday off. Thank you Labor Day!! I have no idea what the point of it is but whatever. It gets me out of that hell hole so it's gotta be good.
Thank you for all the lovely comments. I am so lost as to what to do regarding U.S. History AP. I am so lost about that. All of you gave me good points. Pretty much everybody told me to quit it. If causes too much stress for me and should just back out. That's reasonable but then Stixx brought up a good point. I'm going to take this class eventually in college. I'm going to college so I will have to take it. Which got me thinking: If I take it now I can save a ton of money instead of taking it in college. I mean right now all I have to do is pay for the exam [which isn't a lot] but if I take it in college I have to pay for the class, books, and a million of other things. -___- But if I stick w/ it I'm going to be stressing a lot. I think I'm already failing right now. =/ It's only been a week. *sigh* I really don't know what to do. I think I'm just going to flip a coin [actually, I already did, it told me to quit XD]. Magic Eight Ball, what should I do? -___-
Today I finally went to deviantART. O_____O I had so many messages. I had about 170-something messages. I finally got it down to 146.
DX 73 deviations to look at!? T___T That's a lot. And, Yes, Toma is my icon on there. [I suggest you look at the screencap, wrote some stuff on it.] Soo little views....*pouts*
Which reminds me!!!! I did a new coloring today.
It's Kobato. She is so adorable. I love her so much. It only took about 40 minutes. It was a very quick coloring. [I've spent up 10 hours doing a coloring before] I don't know if I should submit on dA or not. =/ [btw, click on it to view a larger one w/o my hideous name on it] *sigh* I'm so tired of people just taking my stuff and submitting them else where. I know I'm not the best but...still. I've had wallpapers, colorings, I've even seen my ecards being uploaded to Photobucket. I really don't want to start putting my name all over the things I make. *sigh* It's my fault, it's the internet. I can't expect people to not steal things. T___T
This yogurt tastes weird. *continues eating it* Oh well.
XD So many of you did the MASH thing. I can't help but laugh at Kelsey's result though [Angel Zakuro]. I'm sorry girl!!! But I find it hilarious. The whole boat thing and how we worked at seafood restaurant. lol. I can't believe I'm stuck w/ 25 kids. [I forgot that the number was for how many children you had. XD One of the numbers was 487. O__O Can somebody actually have that many kids?]
This post has been really down? -___- Idk...*eats her yogurt* I want my drama now. NOW!! NOA!!!!
Oh yeah, I redid my YouTube layout today. ^^ GO visit it and remember to friend me. ^^ Oh yeah!! I fixed my Livejournal too. If you have one, add me. I fixed the profile too.
WAH!!! I'm still stressed over that class!!!
Why can't life be about cute asian guys and cute anime bishies!!! T___T
That has to be the cutest sneeze ever!! So adorable!!
Ok, that one is some strong competition too.
Umm, random time!!!!
Write down the first 3 things that pop in to your mind starting
1. CRAP I can't think of anything.
2. I want more yogurt.
3. Ohno's voice sounds pretty. ^//////^
That was my part. XD I was listening to truth by Arashi again.
Yup, that sounds like everything I want to be part of. XD
*sigh* I should really get to those messages. I only have one gift left [again] and I don't know who to give it too!!! T___T Too many ppl to choose from.
Well have a great week!!! I'm spending Monday doing History HW. T__T