Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Saturday, September 5, 2008 No Subject...
Hello!!! How are you all? First off, sorry that I couldn't comment on too many of you [and I haven't gotten to any PMs]. My friend called me [we don't see each other anymore] so we spent about 3 hours on the phone. =/ And then I went drama watching. XD Also I have to go to sleep early b/c I have a drive time tomorrow at 8 I kinda can't fall asleep at the wheel.
THANK YOU so much for all the comments. O__O I was surprised I got so many. Also thank you for the people who commented to the one before that, you all left such long comments. O__O' I'm not use to that. Usually only 2 or 3 people leave long comments.
Ok, so a ton of things happened at school during this week. Too many that I can't talk about them. XD If it weren't for my friends...I would die. So many of us are quitting AP classes. XP Still don't like history *sigh* but whatever. I was thinking about my schedule next year. O__O OMG!!! I only need to take 2 classes so I can graduate. XD Literally, I only have to go to school for 2 hours and that's it. lol, I can't believe that. All I need is English 4 and Govt./Eco.. WOOT!!! Senior year is going to be so easy. ^_________^ Something to look forward to. Anyways, how has it been in school for all of you? [or work, if you work]
LOL, I couldn't get Lucky Man by Arashi out of my head for 2 days. I was trying to take a quiz in PreCalc and all I could think about was that. Here's the song