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myOtaku.com: sparkle 078

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008
*nervous chuckle*
Music: Lucky Man by Arashi
Mood: fangirl-y
Time: 8:17 PM

Hello....well I was commenting people and then I had the sudden urge to change my layout. XD Yup, that's the only reason I am updating. lol [comments are under the Navi side bar again] Then....BOOM!!! Layout was made....surprisingly easy. I think it only took 30 minutes to make. O___O [Graphic not by me]
Just one thing about it........

*squeals* I'm becoming a big fan of them now. Darn you Maou for making me a Ohno fan!!! *shakes fist* I might have a slight crush on Leader, riida...OHNO-CHAN!!! He is so adorable!!! I wuv him!!! I found out last night that he doesn't now how to drive. Guess what? I'll just drive him myself all over the place when we get married. *covers Toma's ear* Toma doesn't need to know about this. *nods* And Ohno is so close to his mommy...it's a adorable. >//////////<

Marry me? LOL!!! I need to calm my fangirl side down. XD But.....JUN STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!!!! I don't need you to make him gay!!!

Not bad? Well......looks at this. *points down*

That's them....grindin it. >.< NOOOOO!!!!
And them kissing:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why did Ohno have to look so adorable after the kiss!!! Jun, how dare you take advantage of him!? WAH!!!! *goes into corner of woe*

*looks at post* Wow....this has been me just going on and on about Ohno.......XD Gomen, I haven't fangirl in a long time. *sigh* Still not done w/ HW but I don't feel like doing it. I'm gonna get a ZERO!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!! Why can't there be a class about cute asian guys? XD

hmmmm.....what now....? LET'S DO MASH AGAIN!!!!! XD -scroll down-

Behold... My Future
  I will marry Yamamoto Yusuke.  
  After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Make Believe Land in our fabulous Apartment.  
  We will have 4 kid(s) together.  
  Our family will zoom around in a gray Bike.
  I will spend my days as a mommy, and live happily ever after.  
whats your future

WTF!> My curse has been broken!!! WHY!? I didn't get TOMA!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH!? Is it b/c I'm slightly disappointed w/ the fact that he is a smoker? WAH!!! T_____T

Sorry Yusuke, I'm eloping w/ Ohno-chan Toma. XD

Oh yeah, drive times. They were ok....I sat in the back thinking about Ohno and how he can't drive. XD I'm going insane. I have another next weekend....HIGHWAY!!! So if you don't hear about me....that probably means I died. XD....DX

You know what I want? A pop-tart. [just finished eating yogurt]

YEAH!!! TAMAxKYO FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! b/c it's sure is better than TamaxHaru. RAWR!!! Die Tamaki, die!!!!!

1. What's your favorite yogurt flavor?
2. Do you love Ohno-chan?
3. .....say anything you want.

1. ummm, I don't know the name...but it has mango. XD
2. YESH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, one more thing: BAM!!!

He's MINE!! BITCH!! XD lol, Yep, I was able to claim him for myself on Crunchy Roll. >///< Good day.

Have a great week!!!!!!!! May you week be filled of yummy fangirliness. *nods*

9:00 PM

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