Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008 DEAL OR NO DEAL?
Mood: annoyed
Music: Sunrise Nippon by Arashi
Time: 8:05 PM
OMG!!!! *faints b/c of the cuteness of that icon* ISH SO ADORABLE!!! KAWAII!!! *goes into kawaii-fest* HONTO NI KAWAII!!! >/////< KAWAII!!!
I was going to update earlier but...I got busy helping my little brother w/ his kindergarten hw. He has to make a "buddy bear" [Which I think is totally gay] for some retarded thing. So yeah, my mom was making it so girly. XP So after much of me complaining-I had to make one. -___- So I looked around to get some inspiration. First thing I see: toy figure of Linguini from Ratatouille- the chef boy. So I make mine a chef. I only had computer paper b/c...I'm cheap like that. [Mom had fancy stuff] HA!!! My brother still liked mine more. XD I WIN!!! Anybody want to see a picture of my masterpiece? XD
Ok, I want to do comment replies before I start w/ the real post. *nods* I haven't done that in a YAY!!!
btw, Thank you for the compliments on the layout. XD I'm in love w/ it right now. Which is a good thing b/c it won't change till October. *nods* I have something planned.
Angel Zakuro
I'm so happy to hear you getting better!! Could it possibly be from all the sexy men you've been seeing on here. XD lmao Jun and Ohno kissing isn't nearly as sexy as Ohno and Nino kissing. XD Yup, Toma smokes. He's not a heavy smoker but still. -__- Idiot. lol Wait....I'm going to marry Toma, have 25 kids [which I am so adopting part, can you imagine giving birth to that many?], the divorce him, get married w/ Yusuke and have another 4 kids. O___O You're helping me take care of them!!!
I have no idea who is Greg Ayres. XD I fail once again. Peach yogurt....I want some now!!! LOL. I just ate an hour ago!!!
Well Ohno hasn't said that he is gay but sometimes I have to wonder. XD But really!! Why are so many guys acting gay now when we know they are straight!!! It's so retarded!! Stop doing that in public even if it can be cute!!! lol OMG!!!! There's somebody at your school who looks like Yusuke!!!!!!!!!! O_______O I must see this. XD
Magnus Lensherr
*glomps* Glad to see you aren't dead yet!!! XD OMG!!! You should watch Maou soon!! It just finished in Japan yesterday so it'll be online soon. Besides the company that airs it is making people take it down. T___T So you might want to get to it before it's taken down. I have a feeling you might enjoy. *laughs insanely* XD Did you do the MASH thing? If you did I want to see it!!! PLEASE!!! lol. I think we have that yogurt here but our cereal type thing is in a lid at the top so we dump it into the yogurt. Weird. *hugs you* Thank you for not taking Ohno or Toma. *glares at certain people* lol
Mrs. Chun
Yes, I so just called you that in public. XD *hits you on the head* Next time that the comment box doesn't work tell me!!! That means I have to work on my coding!! *shakes head* I don't change asian guys that often. -__- Demo....RAWR!!! *grabs Toma* He my man. You want him, we'll have to fight. I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!!!! Charizard, attack!!! ...O___O' Btw, You are not taking my bike away from me either. OMG!!!! I love Piņa Colada!!!! That was what I was eating!! XD Great fangirl minds think a like.
It's not like I wanted to cheat on him!!! You just can't deny Leader what he wants!!! So you must listen. *le gasp* YOU TOOK TOMA AWAY FROM ME TOO!!!!!!! GAH!!! But...Toma-chama was mine....I want both!!! You can have Ryo Nishikido or Yamapi but Toma's mine. *grabs him and runs* Oh yeah, I don't use my Crunchyroll really...just for the dramas. XD WAH!!! I'm not Mrs. Yamamoto!! NOT!!! Mrs. Ikuta. yeah, keep dreaming stupid fangirl
NOW ON TO THE REAL POST!!!! ^___________^
Let's first then fangirly goodness. lol.
-OK well this week was the THIRD WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! Guess what that means! I can finally get out of my Art History AP class. WOOT!!!! So hopefully Monday or Tuesday I will get my new schedule. ^^
- Minor note but a teacher died...-___- Didn't know her
- I'm passing AP US History w/ a 93. That's good but I'm still failing AP English. XD And I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail Pre Calculus.
-I haven't been doing my HW at home lately. lol...too lazy.
-We walked all the way to CVS pharmacy to buy some food during lunch one day. So me, being the idiot that I am, decided to buy a whole pint of ice cream just for myself. T___T It was a major pain to eat it!!! I felt so sick after eating the whole thing. I think it took me 4 hours to feel better. A DEFINITE NO-NO.
Now for the Toma part.......
Well, yeah I said this last time but I'm not sure how many of you noticed but...Toma is a smoker. -__- Supposedly he smoked in one of his dramas before but I can't find it. -__-
Oh yeah....I think I'm getting known for converting people into dramas. So I'm going to do my part.
Feast on his cuteness!!!!
Now to get to the real fangirly part. *squeals* >/////////< I've been getting really addicted to Arashi lately. It's all I can think about when I'm at school. Seriously I'm in the middle of the history test when all I could think was "When I say Lucky, You say MAN!!! LUCKY!!! MAN!!! LUCKY!! MAN!!!" Not a good thing. But I've fallen in love w/ Nino [still love Ohno more]
Isn't he cute? XD
Well, remember last post how I posted OhnoXJun...turns out that isn't problem at all. The problem is OhnoxNino...otherwise know as Ohmiya. [Ohno + Ninomiya = OHMIYA] lol, But I find this absolutely adorable. lol. They are always sitting by each other, leaning on each other, saying they love each other, Nino feeding Ohno, holding hands, Nino grabbing Ohno's butt repeatedly [even during concerts] and....
Kissed....more than once...
Yup, that's them alright. But I'm not sure about that last thing that was said in the video. XD
*squeals* I could go on about Arashi for such a long time but...I think I might end it there. XD
For today. Tee hee.
Have you noticed how so many guys act gay now? Especially these asian guys.I sometimes wonder if even Toma is straight.
Little gay boy. XD *hugs him* Still love you!!! XD leave him alone
You people are probably tired of reading this so yeah... VIDEO!!!
Nino-chan, AISHTERUYO!!!!!!!! [btw, Aishteru is the highest confession of love in Japan] LMAO!!! Ohno, first you are gettin drunk and then you are gettin high of pot. tsk, tsk. What is wrong w/you.
I love the guys reaction though!! What are all of you doing calling me -chan!! Only big shots from can call me that!!!! JK!!!
Ok...I've talked again too much. Well. I'm to go time tomorrow...HIGHWAY!! Hope I don't die. -___-'
How did all your weeks go?
Thank you for who ever visited my world. ^^ Hope you all have great weeks and weekends. Bye-bye!!!
KAWAII!!! He's so cute!!!
9:20 PM
[EDIT: I forgot to say this but I won Kukki-chan's contest. XD That's the second one I win. The 1st was on dA. I got first prize. ^^]