Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008 ARASHI = LOVE
Mood: exhausted
Music: truth by Arashi
Time: 6:43 PM
*yawns* Anybody else tired? -___- So have how all of you been lately? Me? Not so great. I had to leave theO and myO completely during the week. Gomen. I wasn't able to comment at all or answer PMs. -___- I'm really tired right now. Not really in the mood to write but...I must suck it up.
So yeah...things got hectic at school. So much work. I was able to drop my Art History AP class this I have to catch up w/ Art 1. [And now I just had a fight w/ my mom while typing this. Stupid bitch!!! I hate that worthless whore. I want to get out of this house now. When I graduate I'm leaving to college and not coming back.] All of my classes piled me up w/ too much work. I was close to breaking down. I felt like just breaking down into tears. Why did I have to be such an idiot and take all these hard classes. -__- I don't understand Physics or Pre Calc at all. I'm completely lost. I can't take it anymore!! I WANT OUT!!!
And now I'm in a horrible mood...*goes off to try to make herself happy*
Ok....the pure sexiness of Syaoran made me feel slightly better. lol But he was HOT in the last chapter. ^//////////^ If only he could be real. We'd have to add another 10 kids to my 25 kids that I already have. XD But yeah....stupid chapter... what a waste.
Oh yeah....people I'm not quitting on being a fangirl. It's just that I got upset w/ Maou. I loved it but both Ohno and Toma died so I got kinda upset over that. XD I was crying my butt off when Toma was shot. lol And then when Ohno died...the crying continued even more. I'm not watching it anytime soon fangirl heart can't take it again. lol
Got done w/ Yamada Tarou Monogatari. It only took one week. Bravo!!! [ok...not that impressive but BLEH!! XP] It wasn't that great...Only watched it b/c of my beloved Nino. >////////< So cute. He was suppose to have a "million dollar smile"
I don't call that a "million dollar smile". Nuh huh. This is a "million dollar smile"
Nothing much has happened. Just me swarmed by HW. Apparently I got herpes from a hobo clown [my friend got AIDS], the great ninja vs. pirate war started again thanks to me. -__- Oh well, gotta support my pirates, ARRRR. >.< Apparently I stole my friend's affair, Hero from DBSG, and I'm having his child. =/ Not sure about that one.
OH YEAH!!! I won't be able to get on much during the weekend. I have community service on Saturday and then on Sunday I have my driving test. Wish me luck. Onegaishimasu.
Which of these proposals would you say yes to?
Order: Aiba, Sho, Nino, MatsuJun, Ohno
Anybody care to explain Sho's proposal. Please click on my heart...WHAT!?
OHNO. YES. [Gotta love a man like that]
Well that's it...I have to go answer PMs and comment. *sigh* I want some sleep.
Oh before I forget!!! Stixx made a shrine world for Ikuta Toma. So if you like him please join. Onegaishimasu!! [PM Stixx, NOT me]
Note: I had no part in this. XD
Have a great week!!! See you in the next.... hopefully.