Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008 WAH-BAM!!!! Guess whose back!?
Music: Purple Line by DBSK
Time: 1:29 PM
HOLY CRAP!!! It's been a long time since I update at this time, huh? In case you don't read the intro *breaks into tears* it's 1:30 PM here were I live. O___O Am I skipping? Am I SICK? HECK NO!!! It's parent/teacher conference today so that means....NO SCHOOL!!! Finally!!! I'm guessing this our substitute for Fall Break since we don't have one again this year. *teardrop*
*reads comments* Hehehe, I read them about a week ago so I don't remember anything. ^^;
Random replies to comments
-WOW, it seems that a lot of people like pudding. Still like Yogurt more. ^^ Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yogurt. XD
-ladyjacalyn, I could never be insulted w/ being called "the biggest fan", heck, I'm not even insulted w/ the word whore now. XD Isn't that right whore Kelsey? lol
-Yes!!!!! DBSK IS HOT!!!! lmao, I love how people like the song from last time. K-pop is good. I use to never want to admit it but...I like it. J-pop=K-pop BUT Arashi > DBSK. *nods* [I'm not sure what is stands for. =/ *runs off to look it up* DBSK stands for Dong Bang Shin Ki which translates into Rising gods of the East. Thank you WIKIPEDIA!!! It's true, my friend told me this a long time ago..I just couldn't remember ^^;
-I love how Kelsey glorifies my whorish ways while chibilala condemns me for them. LMAO!!! NOW chibilala get your mind of my TOMA!! He's mine. XP And there's NO WAY IN HELL I'm giving you Jun. You take Tegoshi from me, I take Jun. HA!!! saying I don't pay enough attention to Toma, please
-Chinen is so NOT going to take Ohno from me
Ohno and Nino are going to get married and adopt Chinen as their son. DUH!!!!! After all,
They love each other so much, they even show their love in their videos. *nods*
Enough replying, TOO MUCH!!!!! I think there is seriously something wrong w/ me. lol Yesterday, I was watching some Ohmiya video [Once again, Ohmiya stands for Ohno and Ninomiya, just like Tomapi stands for Toma and Yamapi] there was this really cute moment between them and the first thought that come to mind was "I wished they could have children. HURRY UP SCIENTISTS AND FIGURE OUT A WAY SO MEN CAN HAVE BABIES WITH EACH OTHER!!!" o___o'' Ummmmm.....WHAT!? But really...why can't they just take the genes of the two guys and through the magic of science make a baby. XD lmao, I think my fangirl side is getting to myself.
Let's sum up last week, shall we? >.< Well it rained again which brought the cold w/ it. I was so stupid. It was 50 or 60 and I was outside w/ shorts. Real smart. But my umbrella broke...I need another one soon. Stress has been the same. I broke down in the middle of school one day. =/ Yep, I started crying during the middle of lunch. *sigh* This is going to be a long year. Ummmm....I also had PSAT on Wednesday. Easiest one ever but I started to fall asleep on the last part so I'm sure I messed it up. There can't be that many sentences that had no mistakes!!!! Anyways, we aren't allowed to talk about the test so moving on.... Homecoming is this Saturday. Not going....I can't really see myself there. =/ Uhhhh....yeah, I'm thinking about going in Monday morning to get help for Physics. I'm not getting it at all. SPARKLE-CHAN + PHYSICS = EPIC FAIL
Dramas....let's see. I watched both of the Arashi movies. PIKA*NCHI life is hard dakedo[but] happy and PIKA**NCHI life is hard dakara [thus] happy. Blonde Nino is weird....yet cute. lol OMG!!! Ohno was such a perv but adorable!!! >///////< Ok, this might make you laugh...or not, Nino was able to get his hands on some porn [yes, PORN. They play high school students. What do you expect out of 17 year old BOYS.] so they went to watch it and they said to raise your hand as soon as "you felt it". >////////< Movies starts, image of woman is show---BAM!!! Ohno's hand is up before anything even starts. ^////////^ He looked so cute while doing that. lmao Such a perv...he even slept w/ a woman that was as old as his mother. [He wanted the daughter but the stupid mother kept on getting in the way. Then she got naked in front of him and yeah.....pervy Haru [character Ohno played] kicked in.
I'm going to go watch My Boss My Hero after posting.
In case you haven't noticed...There was a SITE CHANGE. GAH!!! T^T The intro thing took forever to get right. i'm still not even sure how it worked. lol Theme is truth by Arashi. Time to say goodbye to Maou and hello to Ryusei no Kizuna [I was going to wake up and watch this on Key Hole today but I overslept. T___T I had to wake up at 8 AM....woke up at 11 AM. T___T I MISSED IT!!!! WAH!!!!!] *dreamy sigh* It's going to have Ryo Nishikido [NewS & Kanjani8] and Ninomiya Kazunari [Arashi]. ^/////////^
I want me some NINO NOW!!!!!! lol But of course this drama will never beat Maou in my heart. After how can NinoxRyo beat OhnoxToma
They are a whole lot hotter/cuter. *nods* *le gasp* LET'S HAVE A POLL!!!
Choose either:
○ Nino/Ryo
○ Ohno/Toma
OHNO AND TOMA FTW!!!! lol at least for me. XD
Crack lyrics for truth
*sigh* It's boys are getting old. Grrr, stupid Hey!Say!JUMP will probably replace them in a couple of years. T______T
SO HURRY UP AND SACRIFICE YOURSELF!!!! They must stay young!!!! stupid Tegoshi, couldn't keep himself clean XD
Something cute for everybody else who doesn't care for j-pop.
Hatsune Miku = ADORABLE LOVE
I need to stop writing. I wrote too much. Oh well, it can't be helped yes it can. Lol, I was going to talk about something completely but I strayed away. OOPS. I still have a ton of HW this weekend. So don't expect much from me. I will try to get to all PMs though. They are just piling up now. T___T Sorry.
finding images takes too long T___T