Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008 Time for the weekly post
time: 5:39 PM
music: Gimmick Game by Ninomiya Kazunari
hahaha, that's the best Ohno XD
Hello. How are you all? Well, I hope. Hmmm, I'm updating early in the day this time. I decided before I went all insane doing other stuff I would do this since some people don't like late posting.
I read comments...a long time ago so I can't remember anything. And I'm too lazy to read them again. Still love you.
I haven't responded PMs or commented anything yet. I don't know if I will. I'm not really in the mood for it all. -__- No, I'm NOT depressed or anything like that....I'm just not in the mood. Get what I mean?
This week:
○ It went by really fast!!! O________O Before I knew it, it was already Friday.
○ I took a bunch of test...I wonder if I passed my Physics test. o__o Not that many people got A's. T__T I thought I did well...guess not. *teardrop*
○ There was still stress but I didn't break down this time. *phew*
○ I can't remember anything else I did.
○ OH YEAH!!! T_______T I am so upset w/ my grades this year. NEVER had I seen so many C's in there. The first 3 classes are all A's but then BAM!! They go down to 70's. T_______T WHY!? DANG IT!! WHY!? I'm scared of failing. T^T WAH!!!
Oh yeah, stupid thing I did today. T^T Ok, so I went to go buy some ice cream today w/ my friend after school. I got there, bought it [after having some trouble getting it to take our money. Those school ice cream machines SUCK!!] I opened the thing and just shoved it into my mouth. BAD IDEA. The stupid thing got caught on both of my lips, it would not come off. So me being the idiot that I am, started pulling on it till it came off [while laughing my butt off and making a scene in the school cafeteria. Imagine a girl putting a fruit pop thing into her mouth and then just busting into laughter while tugging on it and falling to the floor. While her great friend stood to the side laughing at her. Yup, that was me.] It came off...then I put it in my mouth again...same thing happens AGAIN. Really, idiots never learn. Anyways, I go to wait for my bus w/ all my other friends [Immediately 2 of them force me to give them a bite] and then I find out something.....I ripped enough skin off my lips that they started bleeding. [You could see the skin on the thing. All white and...white? lol]I bled for like 15 minutes [they still hurt!!]. What did I do? I laughed and kept on eating my ice cream and blood at the same time is delicious. XD *sees all you cringe* I'm kidding, I couldn't even taste it. lmao My lips hurt....T^T
Hmmm....I have no idea what else to say.....I can't believe I haven't even mentioned any of those asian guys I love...NO FANGIRLING!!!?
Not really in the mood...but I'll try my best. T^T
Awww, what would I do w/o my gay boys? lmao
Well, I watched the other Arashi movie. [Don't worry people, there's no more.] I can't remember the title in Japanese but I know it is called Yellow Tears and it's on Crunchyroll. It actually did make me cry....and my love for Nino grow even more. lol But I think Aiba had the best line. >.< I could not stop laughing when he said it!!!
*Aiba talking w/ all the other guys after getting laid* "Sex is boring.
It's a big let down at the end."
The face he said it was GREAT!!! *A* Could NOT stop laughing at him. He said it with such a serious face. Loved it!!! No---love him.
Seriously, I keep on falling in love w/ him more and more each time I watch Arashi no shukudai-kun.
Oh yeah.....I'm falling in love w/ Nino...HARD
WAH!!!! I'm suppose to love Ohno!! [Actually, I'm suppose to love Toma =X Let's not speak of that...] I find myself staring at him now in the PVs and videos I watch of them. I use to only look at Ohno. T__T Nino, you bastard MAN WHORE!!! Why are you making fall in love w/ you? WAH!!! I'm suppose to love you equally w/ all the other Arashi members. *pouts* I can't stop listening to his solo song. BEST PAIRING EVER!!!! Thanks to them...I want men to have babies w/ men. XD lmao
^_^ That is some sexy porn. Yum. XD
Ok, I really need to end this. WAH!!! I got things to do. One question though!! Have any on you seen Letters from Iwo Jima? B/c I really want to watch it or buy it. Why? The answer is very pathetic. Who played the japanese soldier? If you don't know look it up, but his name was on here.
Yes, obsessions lead to that. XD
No video this time. XP
Have a great weekend and week everyone!!! BYE!!!!
OMG!! That is right about me. T^T
6:39 PM