Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008 I FAIL!!!!
time: 1:19 PM
music: Noona is so pretty (replay) by SHINee
FLAILS!!!! OMG!!! I love this song by him so much!!! Intro...omg...I thought it was hot. *giggles* Probably the only one here but...DANG!!! I want my husband to do that for me!!! PLEASE!!! I'll do anything he wants as long as he does that. ANYTHING!!! tee hee. I'm probably the only one who thinks that the way he said that at 1:47 is DAMN CUTE!!! KYAAAH!!!! SO CUTE!!! ^////////////^ friend wants to steal my ipod. *cue dramatic music* Yesterday I was doing community service (reason why I didn't post) with a ton of my friends. It was for the Multicultural Night at my old elementary school. So yeah, while the show is going on, guess what I do? I introduce K-pop and J-pop to my friend. OMG!!!
MY FRIEND LIKED ARASHI!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! At first I showed her Mirotic by DBSK (K-pop) and of course the comment was that they were hot. WELL THEY ARE!!!! Then I showed her weeek by NewS (J-pop)[btw these were the videos. Yes, they ARE on my ipod]. She said they weren't as hot but still good. Then the best thing happened. ^___^ I showed her truth by Arashi(J-pop).....OMG. I had to leave her alone for a bit w/ it and I came back *sniff* she was bobbing her head along w/ it and had a huge smile on her face. YESH!!! She liked it and now wants to steal my ipod. >_< I feel so happy!!! Best thing ever!!!! It was a good night for Arashi and DBSK [she even liked SHINee]. Good night.
Oh yeah!! SHINee!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!
My new favorite band. I love them!!! I fell in love w/ AMIGO right away. Now I can't stop listening to it and replay. They just debuted this year. Btw, they are korean. ^///////^ Love them. They are my age.
Ok, well last weekend I introduced my mother to Arashi...yes, the day of judgment came. T^T I had already showed them to my 5 year old brother and he liked A.Ra.Shi. Even started singing along w/ me. Well he likes to dance w/ it too. So I decided to have my brother show of his "dance" for my mom w/ the PV of Arashi. So I put the PV for A.Ra.Shi on
Music starts, brother starts jumping like an idiot, I resist the urge to sing along, mother says nothing. -___- She never likes anything I do. First thing she says is "That kid has bad teeth." So of course my 1st thought is "MatsuJun" so I asked which one it was (what the color of their shirt was)...she tells me he is wearing white. *slams head against desk* So I replay it at 0:44 my mom says "HIM!!"
WAH!!! T____T That was Ohno!!!!!! So now my mom knows him as the kid who has bad teeth. She wouldn't even listen to what his name was. Then I put truth on b/c my brother likes it......T___T She said they 1)looked like women, 2) too thin, 3) too young [that's after I told her "kid w/ bad teeth" it turning 28 this month]. Arashi failed that night. *huggles them* Don't worry!!! Perfume failed too!!! but Wondergirls didn't....grrr
But really...they haven't aged that much. See [made the pics quickly...too forever to get screenshots for A.Ra.Shi. They move too much]
Order from youngest to oldest:
9 years apart [oldest song- A.Ra.Shi. ; Newest song - Beautiful Days] *sigh* My boys got rejected....she didn't like DBSK either. T^T No taste music, I tell you, NO TASTE!!!
I tired to change the layout failed. T__T It just looked bad after I was done and I didn't feel like wasting hours doing it again so...I just changed the T___T EPIC FAIL.
Don't worry Oh-chan!!! I'll save you from the fire!!
Anyways....tomorrow is my b-day. WOOT!! I'm turning 17....hard to believe that next year I'll be considered an adult.
[credit to spazzcrack @ LJ]
WEEEE!!! Presents for me. XP But mom forgot when my b-day was. -__-'' She thought it was today. She said she thought today was the 16th, pffft, she totally forgot when it was. No, YAMAPI!!! I'm still underage!!! I can't drink....yet. x)
Ok...this week at school. Not much...boring really.
1. I failed my APUSH test even though I though I did fine. T^T
2. Reading Walden has to be one of the most boring books ever!!!!
3. I am now Princess Peach....WTF. No idea...I'm still trying to get my friend to tell my why I'm Princess of the Peaches.
Anyways, too much good music was been coming out lately and sadly I can't show it to you I'm going to put them all on here. Watch which ever ones you want. ^___^
DBSK: Wrong Number
My favorite song by them.
Wondergirls: Nobody
Really long intro. Skip to 2:00
Arashi- Beautiful Days
Perfume- Dream Fighter
Hey!Say!JUMP- Mayonaka no Shadow Boy
American Music
Please support BoA!!!! She is a K-pop/J-pop singer who is trying to make it bug in America now. This is her 1st song. I got so addicted to it. Please support her. Maybe if she makes it big SM will send more of their artists to America *coughDBSKcough* >_<
Hope that you saw some music you might like. =3
Oh YEAH!!!! I got to watch Hana Yori Dango Final last week [movie]. I LOVED IT!!!! Shun looked so cute!!! And Jun was great like always. I also caught up w/ Ryusei no Kizuna [Meteor's Bond]. OMG!!! Nino is so cute!!! Forget Ryo!!! Nino is the best thing in there.
One of my fav scenes. Yes, they did say that!!! But I'm not telling why Nino is talking about Post-its and Ryo is talking about condoms. >//////< LMAO!!!!
Still Ohno month.....WOOT!!! when is this month gonna be over!? A video about his butt and a little Ohmiya. >_< Could life be any better.
I never noticed till this video.....he can shake his ass very well. XP
Anyways, tell me about yourselves now!!! How did your weeks go?
[credit to spazzcrack @ LJ]
Happy B-day to everyone who has b-day this month. ^_^
Have a great week everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!
Oh yeah, see chibilala
Yusuke is so mine. He's even proposing to me. HA!! XP
Now it's bye-bye time!! XP Gotta go do some HW! T^T
You tell them Oh-chan!!
They take my men,
you kill them!!!
2:33 PM