Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, November 22, 2008
time: 8:55 PM
music: Y Si Fuera Ella by SHINee
PLEASE DON"T SHOOT ME NOW!!! tis a joke...sort of ^^;
YO!!! So ummm...late update but, it was either late update or no update. You take your pick. XP Well there's always a reason why I don't update if I don't update of Friday [it's kinda like a ritual now. XD ] Well my friend [k-pop friend] came running to me all depressed [just like I was about a month or 2 ago. Took her long enough to break down] and wanted to go out to take her mind of things. Why she wants to do that...idk. I dealt w/ my breakdown by going home and wasting hours on the thing that caused it: JE. Well yeah...we hadn't spent time together in a while [seriously, our friendship is dying. We use to go out every we talk to each other about once a month] and she looked really pathetic...we decided to go to the movies. NO!! WE DIDN'T GO TO WATCH TWILIGHT!!! but we still did T^T Oh gosh, so much stupid crap happened that night. Hmmmm, I'll try to sum it up. While we were waiting for our ride to the movies, we started talking about the oh so famous, glorious DBSK. NOTE: this is an ex-fangirl and a fan *coughMEcough* talking about them....things got kinda ugly. GUESS WHO STARTED BASHING THEIR NEW SONG, WRONG NUMBER!? WE DID!!!! lmao, ahhh feels good to let your real emotions out. Seriously, that song is down hill from their last song. Anyways, bashing of other bands continued too [Arashi, SNSD (Girl's Generation), NewS, Kanjani8, the Wonder Girls, Perfume] YES!!! You read that list right!!! My poor lovely Arashi was bashed!! And I did sort of have a part in it. ^^; Still love them. Not saying what I said about them or News.... I fear for my life now. So MUCH FUN to talk badly about DBSK. *le sigh* It's like a weight of shoulders to have somebody agree. Anyways, at the movies...we got there early so we went walking around [this is an open mall, so it was FREKIN COLD!!!]. I want that Charlie the Unicorn shirt at Hot Topic so badly. WANT!!!! *A* And we bought candy for the candy store....that lady was a b*tch. *glares* She made a big fit just b/c we wanted ONE sample. How were we suppose to know that Haribo gummie bears are HARD!? And her candy was too expensive. T^T *moving on* At the movie theater, we go to watch the movie we PAID for, Madagascar 2. We got lame seats b/c we took too long to choose candy. Really cliche movie. >_< LMAO!! There was this scene were the lion was dancing and the first thought that came to my mind was: "ZOMFG!!! HE IS DANCING LIKE DBSK!!! OH SHIZZ!!!" Best part of the movie. >.< Then we were hungry and went to buy food. It was still early so we thought "Since we're here...why not just watch Twilight?" >.< Yes, we snuck in...which was really easy since we just walked right in. *le sigh* I really don't get what was the big deal about that movie. Neither one of us read the book. Sadly there was nothing that reminded me of DBSK in that movie. T__T [OH!! OH!!! In Madagascar when the lion said that thing on his hand was just a beauty mark I remembered Nino!!! >//////< Him and his beauty mark/mole/I-don't-know-what-to-call-it thing] Another cliche movie. *sigh* And Edward Cullen was so NOT hot.
The infamous DBSK/DBSG/TVXQ/Tohoshinki.
Now b-day time [yes, we are working backwards] hmmm, I really don't remember much. I remember that is started out really bad. I didn't understand my Physics Problem Bank so I get really mad at it....I failed the Problem Bank Quiz the next day. ^^; But it really felt like it was Ohno's b-day b/c that's all the music I was listening to that day. 'Song for me' must have been played like 15 million times that day. Anyways, mom was out so I had the house to myself. YAY!! Got an update from JE Secrets @LJ, watched Ryusei no Kizuna [NINO IS SO CUTE!! X3]...I think I got Perfume stuff too. Can't remember. ^^; And then I got a ton of Happy b-day wishes...things....I can't think of the word right now!!! I was surprised that I got gifts. >_< I don't think I got anything last year....lmao almost all of it was Arashi related. XD I really wasn't expecting that. >.< I mean...I've been a bigger Toma fan for a longer time AND this is an ANIME COMMUNITY. XD [I stared at Kelsey's card for 10 minutes straight. XD lmao. HEY!!! I love that picture of Ohno!!! He is SEXY with his Maou hair!!! SEXY!!!] And innocent heart gave me this lovely fan art of Ioryogi from Kobato. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this manga to death!!!! LOVE IT!!!!! Kobato is so cute!!! I so want to be like her. I WANT A WALLPAPER OF HER!! I do. T^T
Thank you for all of the wishes and stuff!!! I really loved it all, the cards, fan art *blushes at the though of Stixx's gift* ^///////////////^ I should ask her to show it to you all, *nods*, picspam [chibilala!!! You made me realize....I is a hoe whore. lmao] Thank you all!!! *glomps*
EDIT: OH YEAH!!! I also found this awesome video of Oh-chan on my b-day.
Topic: "You are recently dating a girl and it's her birthday. What are you going to say when you are giving her a present?"
LMAO!!!! I just started laughing when I found this.
This week I was really depressed at the beginning, so what do I do? LISTEN TO MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!! lol, I'm sure you all thought I listened to Arashi. WRONG!!! When I'm in a bad mood I listen to perfume.
^________^ They make me feel all happy. lol They really do work wonders. WAIT!! *runs off to Oricon* OMG!!! THEY ARE STILL AT SPOT 2 AT THE ORICON CHART!!! [Music chart that ranks the new songs on popularity] ZOMG!!! O________O ARASHI WENT UP!!!! WOOOOOOOOOT!!! They were #8, now they are #4!!! Such an old song is still in the top 5. ^___________^ My boys are doing well!! lol
I don't know about you's COLD now!! WAH!!! I live in Texas so we aren't use to the cold. LITTLE COLD + A TEXAN = TOTAL FREAK OUT!! >_< Ok, not that bad's cold!! T^T I'm cold....really cold. It's 54 right now. *pouts* When's....fall coming again. XD lmao, I don't want spring, spring is too hot!!! It's like we don't have one. We dive in right into the 90s and 100s. WAH!!!
Oh yeah, my friend didn't still my other friend did. *glares* He found the song Let me be with you [theme song from Chobits] and wouldn't stop playing it!!! He kept on taking my ipod to here that!! Isn't it a bit weird that a 16 year old BOY is listening to that non-stop and signing? -___-'' I have weird friends.
lol, People are also questioning my taste in music now. Same buy from above yelled at me about having 2/3 of my ipod filled w/ Japanese music. For my defense, not all of it is Japanese...there's some Korean and Taiwanese in there. ^^; And people keep on asking why I listen to it if I can't understand it. -__- It's pretty..... Seriously....J-pop and K-pop have consumed my life. Look at my 25 most played [according to iTunes]
Click on picture for full view....^^; Sorry i got carried away w/ editing it. XD Stupid me. I want to see yours too!!! ^___^
That took a really long I don't feel like writing anymore. ^^; Sorry if you thought the post was going to be about Pokemon. lol
SHINee is wonderful and all mine. ^/////////^ MINE!!! *huggles them*
The jacked-up fandom I'm in. ^^; Arashi talks about breasts:
SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!! They are all such pervs [except Sho. ^_^] How did Nino come up w/ that weird theory?
Well I have a ton of HW this weekend but I'll try to comment! I'll try my best. *huggles* Have a great week!! Finally Thanksgiving break on Wednesday. Guess what I'm doing over the break? *waits for response* DOING MY BRIDGE!!! T^T I wanted to watch dramas. I'm only finished episode 2 of My Boss My Hero. [Btw, I LOVE the song on here!!. HARU HARU!!! I was signing this while writing my english essay. ^^;]
Have a great week!!!!
You take my men...
I send Jun after you