Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Things are going bad....T^T
time: 10:39 AM
music: Haru Haru by Big Bang
*le sigh* Things are going BAD!! Wah!! ToT First, I couldn't update when I wanted to [midnight] b/c my mom and I had this fight. GAH! She wants to cut off my internet and says I spend too much time on the computer. *rolls eyes* We've been fighting pretty much every day. *sigh* I can't take it anymore!! I want to go to college just so I can move out! I don't like living here anymore... sometimes I think it might have been better if I had gone and lived with my dad. But I really don't want to live in another country. T^T
Then the really bad thing happened [b/c I could really care less what my mom says]. RAWR~!!!
My bridge building making is going horrible. Bridge due Thursday (next week)...I started today. I've only made 3 members (the parts that make up the bridge) and I have a feeling they are all duds. T__________T AND IT TAKES FOREVER TO DRY!!! I'm only typing this so I can give them a little time to dry. So yeah.....I won't be commenting a lot these next 5 days....and week. -__- Things are really busy!! But I'll try. *nods*
The only reason I wanted to update is b/c it's Ohno's b-day. I made a big deal out of Toma's b-day so I should at least do something for him. [I feel horrible for not making him a wall like I did for Toma. But school comes first, I don't want to be a high school dropout like Ohno. T__T]
Can you spot the SHINee lyrics in there? >_<
5 Short facts about him [b/c I am NOT wasting my time writing everything about him like I did for Toma]
1. His mother was the one who sent in his application to join Johnny's Entertainment. He was begging her not to send it. Her response: "SHUT UP!! It's not like you are going to make it!" Loving mother, ne?
2. He got in trouble at the audition b/c he was too short to see behind the guy in front of him so he instead just started waving at his mom.
3. BIG MAMA'S BOY!!! His mom buys his clothes and everything.
4. At their debuting concert he had no fans. All the other members had fangirls waving there uchiwas [fan w/ an idol's face on one side and their name on the other] and screaming for them when they came out. Ohno got called, silence. Nobody screamed for him. Caused him to be insecure for a long time.
Oh yeah!!! And he is super obsessed with fishing.
Scary obsessed. Imagine my obsession w/ JE. Got it? Now multiply that by a thousand. That's how obsessed he is.
I love these things X3
KYAAH!! I wuv chibi Ohno. >.< So cute
I want my kids to be cute like that!!T^T
*sigh* He's obsessive over art too
Obsessive .... w/ being an idiot?
Constantly being groped by this guy. ^////////^ I love Ohmiya SK. LOVE!!!
Did I say he is an idiot?
So everybody.........YAY!!! Grab some cake
and celebrate. This boy is 28 now. WOOT!!!
Just don't be messy like Toma
I like to keep my place clean.
[EDIT: I am 100% aware of the scandal he was in this summer so if you think I don't know about it, I do. If you want to know go here to find out.]
I wanted to celebrate it but my bridge got in the way. *pouts* Maybe the week after next year. T____T
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Made it quickly!! Little present to friends. Hope your Thanksgiving goes well. I'll be up to my neck doing my bridge and computer science paper [stupid java....] Should be able to update Sunday with a completed bridge.
Cute and funny video of Arashi (centered around Ohno)
I love these dorks!!!!!! Ohno is unbelievable!! LMAO! Aiba was so cute. ^//////////^
OH YEAH!!! You share 5 facts too!! It's only fair that you do that too. >/////< I gave Ohno facts you give you facts. lmao
I'm off to do my bridge now!!!!!!!!!! OH!!! And if you have an account on Last FM, go visit me.[link at top] >_< I'm surprised how my music plays out. lmao So much Arashi and Perfume!!!
*hugs* Have a fun Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Showered him in love, of course.
*shifty eyes*
11:38 AM