Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, December 12, 2008
HOLY JEBUS!!! save me!!
Music: Niji by Ninomiya Kazunari ♥
time: 7:25 PM
This has to be the LONGEST week ever!!! So long.... I felt like crying in the middle of it... but had to suck it up or I wouldn't pass this class. T___T Hey....I should go look at my grades.
Be right back.
*runs off*
..... *teardrop* My grades aren't that great... I am scared of failing physics so badly. I DON'T GET IT!!! We just did a mini-quiz review thing for chemistry today. T____T My friend had to help me w/ half of it. WAH!!! DIE!! DIE!!!! I HATE PHYSICS!!!
For the ones who want to know my grades.
WAH!!!! T^T
Funny thing.....I totally left this post for 15 minutes....I really need to stop being on a million sites at once.
I want NOBODY, nobody but YOU!!
I want NOBODY, nobody but YOU!!
*sweatdrop* Listening to Nobody by the Wonder Girls....'s stuck in my head.
Ok....ummm....last Sunday I had community service. O___O Met 2 of the cutest guys EVER!!! *sigh* So cute....... but....I did some "research" [ok, I asked a girl he was talking to earlier what school she went to] and found out he is still in high school. T^T Sparkle-chan is in senior high school. T___T But then I thought "HEY!! He'll be at my school next year!!! We can at least be friends." Woe is me. It took me all night to realize that his high school doesn't feed into my senior high school. T___T It's over....and he was such a cute asian boy. *pouts* But on the bright side...I made myself a Ohmiya SK bracelet there while I was bored. >_< I was stuck at the crafts section.
Yeah....I ship that. >_< part of my wants to be in there too. XD
So's been a really long week. So looooooooooooooooooooooong, I thought it was never gonna end. All our teachers were cramming in the last lessons before the semester is over. A test in every class. Isn't the week before finals suppose to be Review/Dead Week? T___T We only have one day of review...then it's finals. T___T
Next WEEK is gonna be HELL.
But the weekend before that was good!!! >/////////////< I found this one picture that had me screaming. lol [don't be pervs XP]
LMAO!!! I don't know how many of you know but my real name is Jessica. So when I saw that "J" there.... o___o I screamed. My secret love affair having a J on him. >////////////////< AND Ohno was hot in that shoot. I <3 men in SUITS. So much love. I even got some Ohmiya in that shoot. Oh.mi.gosh. I was happy.
I got the best news ever on Monday!! ^//////^
So I was complaining on Monday how Ohno rarely did dramas and how it'd be YEARS before he got another drama. [b/c even he said he doesn't like acting in them] Oh.mi.gosh.....there is a God. *nods* HE GOT HIMSELF IN A NEW DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! I thought it's take years only took months. o__o But the drama he is gonna be in.... is comedy.
[short video]
Did you see his outfit? Did you SEE his outfit?....I love it. >_< LMAO!!!! Idk...I find it cute!! ^___^ And maybe this means he'll keep the black hair. lol Filming starts the 18th. Good luck!!!!
Toma drama.....I have no clue what's happening there. All I know is a summary and that's it.
*sigh* You know what.....I'm just gonna say it [since 2 of my friends forced it out of me DX] You know how at the beginning of the summer I was obsessed w/ this guy
Ikuta Toma
Pretty much everybody married me off to him [Yeah, you read right!! I didn't marry myself to him. All of YOU did.] One of my friends even said I was pregnant w/ his child [insane story...I'm also running away from the law]. Well yeah....I'm sure most of you have noticed....another guy got into this. AKA this guy ↓
Well yeah....Stixx and chibilala have forced me to say it so...I'm just gonna share it w/ everyone now.
I love Ohno more than Toma.
-____- So sad........ so sad. Krystal [Stixx] already married me off [pretty much] to him. *sigh* When did I get divorced? >_< BUT!!! Thanks to chibilala [love you, unbiological twin-chan!!!] I decided that Ohno is my husband while Toma is my adorable boyfriend [b/c we always love the boyfriend more. XP] and Nino is my secret love affair. So yeah.....I wonder whose drama will get most of my attention. XD Who wants to bet that I will still cry in Ohno's drama even though it's comedy? lmao
I want gum....and a muffin.
Well a downloaded a TON of videos to my ipod [my friend saw some of them. He liked Nice no kokoroiki by Arashi. WTF!? They're the gheist of the ghei!! But he said SHINee screamed "Backstreet Boys". Uh, no...that's they're more of N'SYNC...well their old songs were... a mix of both? Anyways...of topic] ^___^ I like it. XD I've been listening to Tegomass so much lately.
*gets stared at* What...I like the music. Massuda's voice is Tegoshi's. *gets stared at* o___o Two pretty asian boys who make love songs are NOT going to replace my two pretty asian boys who make love. >_< Ohmiya forever!!!!
I talked too much. Oh well....if you didn't read it all, I still wuv you. :3 *glomps* So yeah...exams next week. Who's gonna fail!? I AM!!!! *sobs* I'll be having half days next week so I'll be on more.
OH YEAH!! I said the b-days don't end last time!! Well they don't. My asian loves just keep on gettin older. On the 14th is Onew's b-day.
*glomps* 19!!!!! He's the leader of SHINee [korean boy band]. I wuv him. ^w^
B/c I love the song on here to death [my favorite solo by ANY Johnny's member] and I love Hana Yori Dango [fav drama EVER!!]
I loved it combined. ♥
I love the lyrics to death. Nino...why do you write such pretty lyrics. *teardrop*
*hugs* I'll try to visit you all. I'll be doing it between cramming and watching dramas [My Boss My Hero, Ryusei no Kizuna, Code Blue] I'll try my best!!! ^_^b