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myOtaku.com: sparkle 078

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You're my SHUPER star. :3

music: Lucky Man by Arashi
time: 11:39 PM

*glomps Ohno icon* Ish so cute. X3 Why do I even love this man? Even I don't know.

Oh yes, another update and yet another band. Yes, another Korean one. HEY!!! I can't help it!! Those Korean boys sure know how to dance and make catchy songs.
You're my
LMAO!!!!!They can't say super. XD Ok, today's song isn't as catchy but....I love the way they say super. >_< Yes, that's the only reason it's on here. [btw, those are the real lyrics]
Oh yeah, it's Superstar by Supernova... another random band I'm not a fan of. XD
I think I might put on a new band w/ every single update. Don't worry, I won't run out of them. I mean I have Korean and Japanese and if I run out of those I can just go to Taiwanese. >.< lol

hieiartemis, you can totally have that guy in the vest. I'm not claiming them.

I think their company is DSP. *sigh* I feel so sorry for them. They thought they could out shine Super Junior. Sorry boys but they are SM, you can't beat SM. Nuh huh. -__- Feel bad that I'm not their fan.
YES YOU READ RIGHT!!!!!! I'm not being a whore and claiming them. SHINee is enough for me. X3

*huggles them* I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And no!!!!!! I'm not cheating on my precious Arashi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are still my number one love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T____T You are getting so old. WAH!!! You're gonna get replaced by News

Or.... *cries* Hey!Say!JUMP

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I don't want that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arashi, don't die!!!!!!!!! Don't let Hey!Say!JUMP take over you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [While searching for a Hey!Say!JUMP picture....I saw the grossest thing ever....all of them topless. T______T WHY!?!?!?! Why do they do that to poor kids like that!!!!!!! I mean one of them is only 14!! GAH!! Johnny's ... you make me sick sometimes. If you want to make a group be topless go make KAT-TUN do it! GAH!!]

Ok, so today my friend came over. [the one who's in love w/ k-pop] -__- I got introduced to too many bands today. WTH!? Leave me alone w/ the ones I have already!! I don't need more. [XD You are my shuper star lol] Of course....my j-pop was talked bad about again. T___T Why does she always have to hate on J-pop? *sigh* Sure it isn't as good as k-pop but...i still like it. Not even NewS met her taste [yet she showed my all this k-pop that I didn't like, I just said I didn't like it but didn't trash] Oh well, it can't be helped. Especially after I trashed her fav band Girls Generation [SNSD]

I don't like them. Their music gets on my nerves so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since the first time she brought them up...I didn't like them. There's too many!!!!!!! So anyways, she found out that my love was Arashi and when I told her they were the top artist this year, I decided to show her the top song

[Truth by Arashi]
For those who don't know it was the one above [it was a double single, so here is the other song] She said if this was the best then Japan really does have bad music. T^T I loved that song. Why is Arashi being trashed so much by my friends lately. First my other friend calls them old [Oh yes, Mrs. Chun. I had to hold myself back so I wouldn't scream at her. -__-] and now this friend says that it's sad they are the best. WAH!!!!!!!!!!! *pouts* Why does Arashi have to a group you either hate or like? -__- Why is it getting so much hate lately?
Oh yeah!!! #2 was Arashi too
#1 - Truth/Kaze no mukou e
#2 - One Love
#10 - Beautiful Days
#12 - Step and Go
I'm too lazy to do all the bands I like. -___- So yeah.....WAH!!! Why must all the hate continue!!!

*giggles* But Arashi did get one good compliment. Ok, so my friend knew about the whole "TOMA IS AMAZING!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!" thing. Thing is...she didn't know I like another one. So yeah, she sees my wallpaper...it's Nino. :3 LOVE IT!!! Then goes accusing me of cheating. *rolls eyes* You can't accuse me of cheating if you can't even remember the name of the guy I'm cheating on!!! She said Nino looked young!!!!!!!!!!!! :3

She wouldn't believe me when I said he was 25. XD She said he looked 17. >/////////////< *sigh* I love him!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got a new hair cute!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! NEW HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>_< maybe I should show it to you. hehehehe

OMG. ♥ I love it. I swear that boy is lying to us and really is 18. *nods*
But then why does he look the same in this picture

that was taken in 2000? -__- Why don't you age!!!!!!!!!!!!?

^_______________^ I love his new hair!!!

I'll end this soon!!! I promise!!!
Anyways today I found out something that made me lose some respect for K-pop. *sigh* They're allowed to lip sync. -__- I think that's stupid!!!!! I don't care if they have a hard dance routine or anything. I mean JE makes them sing live and dance. [Trust me you can tell.] I think it's stupid. And how idols over there only have to do one thing and while JE idols have to sing and act. -__- Makes me love my Johnny's even more.

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!! I finished Ryusei no Kizuna today.

So happy!!! That means Nino could get rid of that hair. XD lol, It was a good drama but not my fav. Oh well, it gave me some Nino. [what is wrong w/ me!?!?! All I've talked about is him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -___-']

Oh, Kelsey!! Don't worry about Yamapi!!!!! I'll make sure I don't fall for him again!! [I've been feeding myself non-stop Nino to prevent that. lol, Idk, I think he is cuter.] OH!!! And Yamapi isn't a doctor, he's just an intern. I'll talk more about that drama next time.

Meagan....*glomps* Heck yeah!!! We'll be the hell duo!!!!!!!!!!! B/c Goz and Mez sure are hot. XD [What are you talking about!!!!! Mez has the sexy glasses and you know it!] lol They'll be our stage names while we tour the world spreading the perfume love in our snazzy outfits. :3 [btw, I'll watch the vid soon!!! After posting, k?]

^^; To anyone who is lost right now....Sorry.

Oh yeah!!!!! And thank you for thinking my post are interesting!!!!!!!! Fangirly me is back today. You can thank Nino's new hair for triggering her back. lol [Really, yesterday was just a slow day. DX]

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH!!! You must see the awesome fan art Meagan did!!! X3 I is in love w/ it.

It's the Uta no Oniisan outfits!!!!!!!!!! lmao!!!!!! I love you so much!!!!!! lmao I can not stop watching that CM. It's so funny!!!!!
*huggles Ohno* You have to be the cutest 28 year old ever.

>//////////< I love you!!!!!!!!!!!
^^; lol

B/c crack subs are delicious, have some more

Oh yes....I slightly wanted to kill this video for the Arashi comment but...it's true. T___T
[I'd show you an image of him but Photobucket isn't working. -___-]

Ok, this is long so I probably won't update in a day. Ok? So yeah..... I'll catch up w/ comments tonight or in the morning!!! My friend coming over ruined my plans. -__-

How many bands did I mention in this post?

Photobucket site maintenance sucks!!!!!!

*hugs* Have a great day!!!!!!!!! Bye-bye!!!!

1:09 AM

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