Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
music: Your Seed by Hey!Say!JUMP
time: 12:51 PM
Rokkugo!! Rokkugo!! Rokkugo!!
>_< Sorry, this song has just been stuck in my head for the past few days. ROKKUGO!!! ^^; If you want to listen to the Japanese version listen here. This song is just insane!!!!! lol btw, It's Rokkugo by Super Junior T. *sigh* This group is insane w/ the sub units. TOO MANY!!!!!!!!
Ok, I kinda disappeared for a few days. -__- I'm sorry. I got into a depression, I guess you can call it that... So yeah.... Oh Christmas I got really depressed after posting. My mood totally just flipped. So yeah...I just got totally depressed. I've been depressed pretty much everyday until yesterday when I started to feel better. I felt like crying a ton of times. But enough about that!! It brings my mood down again. ^^; *sigh* My godmother [who is also my aunt] called on X-mas eve. -__- She wants me to go to Mexico for the summer. T___T NOOOOO!!! I don't want too!!! It's such a pain to go over there. I get separated from everybody. Plus there's the thing w/ my dad. He lives right in front of her. ^^; Like cross the street and you are there. ^^; And I don't think he really wants to speak w/ me. Plus, knowing myself, I'll just end up crying. -__-' So if I do go, I'm just staying there a day or 2 then heading south to were my grandma lives. *giggles* I kinda want to see what they'll do when they see my obsession w/ asian boy bands. XD They never knew about the anime/manga obsession. It'll be interesting.
So yeah, w/ me being all "emo" on X-mas eve, I totally skipped the party my mom's uncle was having. Oh well, I never did like going. ^^; I kinda miss the parties we use to have at my grandma's house for x-mas eve. I wonder if they still do them? -__- I haven't talked to my dad's side of the family for years. Since I was like...13 or 14. ^^; Yeah, it's been a while. Maybe I'll go down there for next X-mas, ne? You can do 2 weeks without me, ne? [Oh yeah!! I got some money and clothes for x-mas. Boring, ne?]
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so the day my aunt left [yes, she left already] I showed her my asian loves, SHINee, >///////< She said they were cute. ^///////////^ YES!! My mom still doesn't like any of the asian bands I listen to. Sorry mom, but they aren't going anywhere. So it's out. My mom and aunt now know that I want to marry an asian boy. ^^; No, nobody knew about this. LMAO!! My mom just avoided looking at me completely when I said that. XD And then my aunt was like "You are just like my daughter...except she likes black guys." >_< So yeah, it's out. And since my aunt loves to gossip everybody else will know about it soon. ^^; But I can't help it!! Even all the crushes I have at school are for asian guys [except for a few] Oh boy....LMAO!! I told my mom I wanted to marry a japanese guy and move to Japan. XD I want that to happen so badly. Go interracial marriage!! >.< A mexican married to a japanese boy, who ever heard of that. Oh well, our babies will be cute. XD
Ok, so to cheer me up I've been fangirling non-stop. >.< I saw this best video ever on x-mas eve. I was laughing non-stop. So Aiba had to go do this Hula dance thing w/ a bunch of guys and Taichi from TOKIO. XD OH GOSH!!!!!!!!! It was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing. I'm putting this on my ipod. It was so worth the download. Anywas....OMG!! O________O Aiba's solo dance was AMAZING!!!!! NO!! HOT!!! WATCH!! WATCH!!!!
O___________O Did you see his moves. o.o When did this boy become so hot? WHEN!!?!?!?!?!?! I also saw this picspam of him for his birthday [LOOK AT IT!!] When did this boy become so hot? O__O It's like....BAM!! I'm hot!!!
O_________O Seriously, when did he become hot? I'm staring at him and wondering....why is he not my #1? WHY!?!?! T___T Why is it Ohno!?!?! Seriously.....I can't see the hot in Ohno anymore. All I see is dorky cute. How can I not see the hot in a man who looks like this
[Click at your own discretion for larger image. It might be the death of you either by A)a nosebleed or B) sparkle-chan finding out you are crushing on her guy]
T__T All I can see is dorky cute!! WAH!! I need a picspam of Ohno to see his hotness again!!
DORKY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been listening to News way too much lately!! T^T I can't stop listening to this song
ムラリストMurarisuto - NEWS
I think it's so cute!!!!!!! -__- I've been listening to their CD Color all the time. I have my ipod on shuffle and it's always playing them!! I was at the store yesterday and I found this purse that you can plug a ipod into it and it'll play it aloud...-__- I played weeeek by News out load. T^T I was so embarrassed. I started blushing. ^^; WAH!!!!!!
I've also been listeing to Hey!Say!JUMP a lot lately. -__- I had Your Seed stuck in my head for a whole day!!
Your Seed(映画「カンフー・パンダ」イメージソング) - Hey!Say!JUMP
I stayed up last night watching videos of them. T^T WHY!?!?!?! WAH!!!! It's insane!! They are so young. Darn you Chinen!! You just had to love Ohno Satoshi and catch my attention. -__-
I've also been listening to Perfume insane amount again. They are just so cute!!!! :3I love their music.
Sweet Doughnut - Perfume
Sweet Donuts is LOVE!! I've listened to this song non-stop while typing this. I love it!! You can skip this next part about them. Ok, this is the first dream about any asian thing I love. I had a weird dream about the Perfume girls.
Ok, so in my dream the one in the right and left [not middle one, their names are Kashiyuka, A-chan, Nocchi] were outside my house, like on the street, waiting for someone. So yeah, I went outside to go get something but then all of the sudden it started snowing. Like real snowing. I live in Texas so that never happens. So I was going to run in but then I was like "What the heck!! It never snow I'm gonna go enjoy it! ♥" So I ran out but then I saw them sitting out there still. I freaked out and asked them to go into the house. Of course I used the old "retarded" english b/c I thought they didn't know any. What my luck, they were fluent. So yeah, they wait in my house [they went and cleaned themselves up, freak thing. The capsule girl appeared out of no where. This chick .
O________O Was this a reunion of all the techno groups?] So yeah, A-chan and some guy appear to take them back. Kashiyuka stays while the rest of them go get something ready. [Me: WTH!?!?!?!] So her and I start talking and got along really well [She sang me a song. XD] Then somehow my mom got back and told me they were waiting for Kashiyuka outside. She told me that she overheard that they were planning on killing her. O________O WTH!?! If anyone deserves to die in that group it is A-chan!! So yeah, I tried my best to keep her in. [For some odd reason she became my fav. o__o] Yeah, I don't remember any more. First dream I have of a j-pop love and it ends they are going to get killed. Note to self: No more listening to non-stop perfume before sleeping. ^^;
I was going to show you something really cute of Toma but I'll save it for next time.
WAH!! I can't finish Code Blue!! I don't care how hot Yamapi is in scrubs, I can't finish it!!
[Kelsey, you better enjoy that picture!!!]
I can't finish this drama!! WAH!! It was voted # 2 for top dramas this year. -__- [Ryusei no Kizuna was voted #3. WTF!?! It was NOT that great. I didn't like the ending. The only reason I paid attention was b/c Nino was in a suit. -__- Maou was #6 and my favorite drama from this year wasn't on there!!! Where's my Zettai Kareshi love!! Oh yeah, Kelsey, your man won #1 actor. T___T Nino got #2, Ohno got #4. WAH!!!!! Ikuta Toma got #4 for supporting actor!!! STUPID!!! Chibilala, Ryo got #1 for supporting actor. -__- More info.]
I really need to stop!!! I don't know when I will update again so HAPPY New Year!!!! CRAP!! I forgot!!!
Happy late birthday to
Kashiyuka ♥ Her b-day was on the 23rd.
Shun Oguri. His b-day was the 26th. WAH!! Mrs. Chun, I forgot about our love's b-day!!! At least I had cake to celebrate. [Yes, I even sang for him. XP]
Ok, I just want to know your opinions, k? So tell me which out of the bands you like. K? All you have to type is their country, you don't have to bother w / the band name.
For me:
1. JAPAN!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥
2. Japan
4. South Korea ♥
Just want to know your opinions.
Any problems w/ the layout, TELL ME!!!
*hugs* Have a great day!! Also if you could, please leave me a list of what I missed from you. I've been gone since x-mas so yeah... missed a lot. ^^; *hugs* Hope your New Years goes well!!! ^___^
You're most compatible with Sho! You have a good head on your shoulders and have a broad outlook on life. Sho seems to prefer someone who is able to perceive the world and take it in stride - with him, you get a traveling companion.
Results based on a 2006 translated interview about ideal marriages - therefore, you may want to take everything with a grain of salt. ;)