Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Friday, January 16, 2009
January 16, 2008
music: We can make it! by Arashi
time: 8:22 PM
[NOTE:] Do NOT watch video if you can't handle explicit scenes.
Warning was only for the people who can't handle a guy topless kissing a girl. Seriously, I don't think it's that bad but then I don't some person crying about how I ruined their innocence. Pfffft. Innocence? I swear, there is no innocent teenager out there.
Ok, little.... rant (?) is over.
I love this song so much!!! >///////< Oh yes, I will dance w/ you. *gets shot* T^T I am falling in love w/ Big Bang so much. All I listen to is Big Bang. OOOH!! Picture!!!
XD My favorite is GDragon [the one in orange]
^/////////////////^ He's so cute in that video!!!! [NO!!! I am not abandoning Ohno for him!!! OHNO IS CUTER!!!!!!!!] Why do I always fall for the leaders? lol In every band I listen to I end up loving/liking the leader. Seriously....I'm kinda creeped out. O___O WHY!?!?! Seeeeee
Arashi - Ohno
SHINee - Onew
Big Bang - GDragon
DBSK - Yunho
Hey!Say!JUMP - Yabu...I like him but not my fav
News - Yamapi... like him but not love
T______________T Makes me sad.....really sad.T_T
Ok, Long enough intro, ne? So how long has it been since I updated? I really have no idea. ^^; So yeah, a million things have happened. T___T It's so sad. I don't have time to come on here at all. I'm only updating b/c I have a 3 day weekend. If it weren't for that I wouldn't update. So has been keeping me really busy. I've already had a ton of quizzes and tests and it's only been 2 weeks. I have a test over Huck Finn next week [I had a quiz on it after only being at school for 3 days] So things are moving really quickly. I'm pretty sure I will have to leave this place. The little free time I have is almost non-existent. T____T I'm too tired to read long posts [to be honest, long posts scare me right now] T____T You have no idea how much sleep I've lost. I couldn't keep my eyes open on Thursday. DX Even my teachers noticed a change in me. [Normally I talk to much, after a week at school I was sulking the whole time] T____T So have some of my friends. GAH!!! School is going to kill me!!! I'm 100% sure I will fail Pre-Calc. I can't wait until next year when I only have 5 classes. It'll be like heaven. [Btw, in the month of May I will NOT be on AT ALL. I have to study for 3 AP exams. I'll probably come back mid-June T^T (I have to catch on sleep and fandom before coming back)]
lol, How could I forget? I promised you gay pron last time. XD [No, I wasn't kidding when I said I would give it you] CHEERS!!!
OH SHAT!!! I wasn't kidding. XD Seriously, b/c of this GIF I had to go watch this DBSK mini drama. It was so cute. XD [I SWEAR I AM NOT A YAOI FAN!] Oh yes! Jaejoong likes it rough!!
*stops herself* NOOOOOOOO!!! I am not letting myself go out of control again and tell a whole story in GIFS again. [BUT I WANT TO!!! T^T can i?]
Hmmmm.....I guess I can tell you the ways I failed since last post. K? LET'S DO THIS!
- I was about to call my brother, Nino. ^^; (They have the same b-day. That's the only connection I could find)
- While reading Huckleberry Finn, I saw the word "Oono" and started giggling. -__- I highlighted it and wrote: "Ohno ♥"
- Same thing happened when I saw the word "Ohio".... I will never think of that state the same way.
- I was tackled to by a friend to the ground. I could only laugh. [Seriously, everybody was around me asking if I was right....all I did was laugh]
- My manga hubby is about to die...... it makes me sad.
- I haven't watched Toma's new drama
- This new layout did not work at all how I wanted it to. I gave up.
- I had to bite my hand to stop myself from screaming after watching an Ohmiya SK video at 1 AM. [the part at 4:50]
- It's past 9 PM and I still haven't had dinner.
- 3 friends and I started doing the chin dance from Mirotic by DBSK outside in public....^^;
This thing:
CHIN DANCE!!!!!!!!
*sigh* I have so many dramas to watch. T____T I"M TOO BUSY!!! Seriously......I have to watch Boys over Flowers [Korean version of Hana Yori dango. HEY!! The guy is cute!!!
CUTE.] WHICH IS 2 EPISODES WEEKLY!!!! T____T Then there's Uta no Oniisan [Ohno drama] and Voice [Toma drama]. And then I might watch Mei-chan no Shitsuji [Mizushima Hiro drama] and RESCUE [Massu (News member) and Yusuke Yamamoto drama] TOO MUCH!!!! *cries a little*
OH YES!!! Happy early b-day Yamamoto Yusuke!!!
I WUV YOU!!!!!!! :3 His b-day is the 19th.
I'm stopping now!!! But I have to share this funny video, k?
LMAO!!!!!!! I love this video!!! OK, I have to comment about some parts. *nods*
Intro- NINO IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
NINO + BASEBALL = CUTE!!!! no NINO + ANYTHING = CUTE!!!! [his face is so cute. I have to watch this now just for him. XD]
Ninja rap - I like this song. O__O
Sugar Baby - OMG!!! MASSU!!!!!!!!! hlajgkla'jga'jfla'jsf I'm falling for him, me!!! T__T
Lucky Star OP - PURE WIN.
I Kissed a Girl - Is it bad that I've seen every single one of these clips? And yes, Nino your bf will mind it. Don't worry Oh-chan, you can get revenge w/ me. *gets shot*
I Like a Boy in Uniform - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*hugs* I hope things aren't going to bad w/ any of you. TELL ME!!!!! *hugs* I'm gonna have a quick dinner and then get to commenting. I'll try my best to get to you all. *nods* I'm sorry if I'm no longer active. I love you all!!!!