Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2008
music : bolero by TVXQ
time : 12:39 AM
first off, wow...nino you are so demanding.
i wasn't going to post right now [or at least not until the afternoon] but then i got watching videos on YouTube [my fav hobby. let's watch JE boys act gay at 1 in the morning. 8D my fav!! *sarsasm*] and decided to update. :3 love me? of course not T^T
so today is v-day so.... HAPPY
valentine's day
too lazy to change font color. *yawn* so, anything happening? [not you lala, nobody cares about you. XD] me? does anything sound more romantic than making a guitar out of a box? b/c that's what i'm doing. :D exciting, ne? [btw, i am in a very sarcastic mood lately]
i was going to make you a gift but i got distracted by a DBSK wall i'm making. might take days to make [probably 2 versions. O____O too much work!!!!]
so i will show my love for you through pictures :3
I wish you a happy valentine's day filled with
KISSES kissu :3
HUGS all warm and fuzzy
STRIPPING duh, can't have a party w/o it XD
POLE DANCERS ryo anyone?
KISSU!!!!!!! not for you
and above all, for you to have a happy day. :3
oh, and did i forget? lots of nipples b/c aiba likes them
yes, that is ohno touching nino's nipple. oh well, last time he groped his whole boob. XD
O_______________O i did the bad thing of trying to explain fan service to a friend. i was trying to explain how asian boy bands are different from american ones. O____O i brought fanservice up, not just any fan service but.... the gay fan service. AWKWARD. my friend's face!! HER FACE!! LMAO!! complete shock. XD but it's not like it's really real. [yes, NINO AND OHNO ARE ONLY FRIENDS. BEST FRIENDS. NOTHING MORE.]
i had a dream about JE... it was weird. for some odd reason ... i was watching Uta no Onii-san [ohno's new drama]... live. like i was there watching it but like they didn't notice me. ^^; [oh-chan looked so beautiful T^T] then it somehow became Hana Yori Dango... but not. B/c Jun was poor and trying to swindle money out of people. O___O and.... i was in love w/ him? O_O why?
i reached a new low. so Sakurai Sho [member from arashi] came to New York City on Feb. 6 to Comic Com for his new movie, Yatterman. SHO WAS IN NYC AND I WASN'T!! T_______T literally, i wanted to cry. i'm not kidding, there were tears in my eyes when i found out he actually did come. TEARS. and he is my least favorite member!! i'm becoming the fan i never wanted to be!!!!!! TEARS!!!! [the fangirls sang a.ra.shi to him. his face of shock...*sigh* pretty. but stupid fangirls messing up w/ the words. LEARN THE FREAKIN' SONG!! AT LEAST THE CHORUS!!!!!!!!]
i am probably going to fail english. isn't that great? fail AP english, oh the joys!!!!!
JE fandom is sooooooo messed up. k-pop fans can be major b*tches.
nino................. i love this boy. [how many of you want to bet that by the end of this year he will be my ichiban instead of ohno? anyone? T__T Oh-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!]
i am so behind in dramas.... not even funny anymore.
ohmiya is still amazing
toma............can i marry you now?
i've watched all these dramas. O__________O toma... you are god. XD
stopping now. guess what?!?!?! my computer got attacked by a spyware on thrusday. DX while i was on dA. luckily i got it fixed right away. XP Anitspyware 2009 is a NO-NO!!! stay away!! i got infected w/ it. luckily nothing major happened. -__-
bye now.................I'm tired.
lala, this is for you