Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, April 4, 2009
says it's time to quit
date: 4/4/09
music: Lollipop ft. 21 - Big Bang
time: 9:17 PM
HELLO!!! HOW ARE MY LOVELIES THIS TIME!! ANSWER ME DARN IT!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry, I have something to talk about this time. ^^;
Oh yeah, last time I said that somebody was spamming/killing my comment box. STEPH!! How dare you suggest the person kill my fishies instead!?!!?!?! NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! besides, i tried and you can't. T^T Anyways, it was my stupid lovely twin, chibilala, who was doing it. ^^; *hugs her* but it's long as she controls her stretching!! >_<
omg, the song playing on here. :3 LOVE IT!!! LOVE!!!!!
oh, fishies:
did i ever explain why they are here? well they each represent a member of arashi. [blue = ohno, yellow = nino, red = sho, purple = jun, green = aiba. THESE ARE THE OFFICIAL COLORS. i did NOT make them up] so they'll be here until their 10th anniversary. :3
you probably noticed the layout change by now. [and kelsey already wrote a full comment of her b*tchin' that he's there. xD love you!!!] Change b/c..........
It's Yamashita Tomohisa's B-day!! on the 9th........ok, i'm early. a lot...... [kelsey, if you didn't know that was yamapi's full name......don't talk to me. >:[ *slaps you if you didn't know it by heart* T___T] I think i'm the only one who was aware of his b-day coming up..... makes me sad. T^T i've been looking forward to this day since toma's b-day!! he'll be 24. [;_________; 7 years older than me....... still better than ohno who is 11 years older than me ;________;] anyways, guy to your left is yamapi, leader of NewS, and my second JE crush.......^^; (for the losers who care. order went from toma → yamapi → ohno → arashi → JE)
Congrats Yamapi, another year older. ^___^
Yamapi: Ah sh*********************************t, i'm getting old.
yamapi: *eats strawberry* OISHII. ♥
*dead b/c kelsey beat her w/ an orange* T__T If i'm gonna die, i want to die for a good reason. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing...
death....for me. MORE!!
o___o... i'm gonna die...right?
omg, this was hilarious. xD he was playing a game. Oh!! it seems shige will like to compete against Pi.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... Tegoshi too?
OMG!! THAT IS SO CUTE!!! >//////////<
me: ..... o_________o''
me: WTF!?!?! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!?!?! [i'm listening to his song MOLA right now... it's really perverted... that might explain this story ^^;]
i can't find any more of my yamapi GIFS right now. [too many!!! over 400 of them. O__O] so have a...
ohno: take that, b*tches!!
nino: uh, excuse me?
me: oh yes. ^^; sorry, Ohno belongs only to you. ^///////////^ only to you.
ohno: we is gonna have fun tonight. (me:O_______O)
*nino's victory dance*
Yamapi: I can give you fun right now. ~chuuu ♥
toma: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!! wait a minute
toma: *whispers* call me. *winks at Pi*
anyways, at the end of the night, nino just ended up being a whore. he cheated on ohno w/ ryo
(this never gets old!! xD ne lala!?!?! RYOTOPI!!!)
And Nino and Yamapi left together that night
ohno recovered by spending the night with jun
jun said to call again. x3 XOXO
massu became a slut. T______________T
and tegoshi became a pedo
YOU!!!!!! STAY AWAY FROM MY CHINEN!!! STAY AWAY!!! o__O *cough cough* I mean..........
Ryo was still smiling even though he was dumped in 5 seconds for Yamapi. I think it's the drugs.....
And asian hip thrusts were still hot. SHINee!!! You make me a pedo!! T____T
But above all, Happy 24th Birthday Yamapi!!
Now on a serious note. I have news for you. T_______T
It's time for me to leave here. IT"S STUDYING TIME!!! I changed the banner on my world too. T_________T such beauty wasted for such a message.
I will be logging off after this weekend and NOT signing on anymore until my AP exams are over. [they are May 5, 8, 13] NO MORE ME. until mid May... or June. SORRY!!!!!!!!! I need to study like crazy!! I failed my WWII test with a 56!! A 56!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS WWII!!!!! T________T
You may email me at if you just have to talk to me. But please keep the email short. And no one liners!! Especially if they are along the lines of "I miss you sparkle-chan!! T__T How are you?" I DO NOT WANT THAT!!! I will add you to the spam list if you do that. DELETE!!! Or I might explode in your face and you will so regret sending me a one liner email. REGRET IT.
Wish me luck. T_________T I'll miss you all. [I might really not come back until June though. after AP exams, i have job and car hunting to do. then i have to get ready for final exams. ^^; BUSY. and the hiatus is so NOT semi. it's FULL]
Sorry if i don't get to you at all. i'm busy w/ a lot of hw this weekend too. T^T I'll miss you!!! (and arashi!! T___________T I miss was so much fun.)
OMG!! gj;kajf;askf;lsakf;lkasa;lkd I LOVE THIS SONG!! GD, baby, you look like a willy wonka on too much PCD!! T_____T BABY!!!!!!! It's Lollipop by Big Bang and 2NE1. GAH!!!!!!!!! I want a 2NE1 single now!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!! 2NE1 is the new girl band who is suppose to be the female big bang. Seung ri is super man. xD LOVE.
Cute video of yamapi since it's going to be his b-day
I wish i could find the full one. Toma's was hilarious!! He was silent the whole time (that's how i ride roller coasters too. T____T i hate them) and this one guy got pissed b/c they were doing the countdown in english. xD HILARIOUS!!!
"I did my best damn it!" LMAO!!!
*hugs* I'll miss you all!!!!!!!! Have a great.....6 weeks!! :3 I'll miss you!!!!!
oh-chan will be my other tutor too. x3
~sparkle -chan
10:23 PM