Birthday 1991-11-16 Gender
Female Member Since 2007-07-01 sparkle 078
Saturday, August 29, 2009
idk......bye-bye..maybe...? IDK!!
music - ROCK U feat. 安室奈美恵 - ravex
time - 3:03 PM
long time no....comment. D: SORRY!! Ok, so since last point, my summer ended. IT'S OVER. I WEEP. So yeah.........this weird summer is over. Sum up the summer? Yes? Yes?
POINTS OF.........STUPIDITY..i guess. D:
+ my friends and I are really stupid. We did stupid things.........and I loved it. .__.
+ I like Hey!Say!JUMP !!!!
+ I was obsessed w/ American music.......the dirty kind it was weird. D:
+ My love for this guy grew so much. ;__; I still love Ohno but I can't help loving this guy. IDK, LEAVE ME ALONE!! K?
+ One year of being an Arashi fan..........D: that just exploded to 445613245 other bands
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This
Is a boy. Yes, this was asked!!! THIS IS CHINEN!! HE IS A BOY.......and he is 2 years younger than me. k? UNDERSTOOD?
Ok, now I need to rush. I don't have much time. T___T
1. The song playing right now is one of my fav songs ever!!!!! OMG, I LOVE IT. I've had it on repeat for weeks now.
2. School sucks. Nothing new there
3. OMG!! I'm the only girl in my chem 2 class. T____T 15 guys and me.......T~T and I need to memorize 80+ ions by friday. TT________TT
4. they messed up my schedule. T__T Instead of getting out at 12:30, I get out at 2:30. FML.
5. HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Driving to school makes me nervous. I suck at parking so..................yeah. I need more gas.
7.I GOT MY ARASHI ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to wait for Limited Edition to come in. :DDDD (Yes, I bought both Regular and Limited Edition)
9. I started Japanese classes today. I have to drive myself there which is about 40 minutes of driving. I LIVED. Now I have hiragana to memorize. D: EVERYBODY IN THERE IS OLD.....ok, adult. There's like 3-4 teenagers, 5-7 young adults, everybody else is 30+. T___T
10. I like lists w/ 10 numbers.
So yeah.............This probably means I can't come on here. T___T I'm sorry but I'm busy and loaded w/ stuff to do. 3 AP classes plus govt and a 3rd language is a lot to handle. I don't have much time. I'M SO SORRY!!! I'm sorry if I go months w/o coming on here. Really, I am.
and, Sunday is.........
omg, I didn't realize until yesterday that my friend's b-day is the same as Jun's. He has a party today that I need to get ready for ^^; but his b-day is tomorrow. I AM JEALOUS. I want to share a b-day w/ an Arashi member. Jun is the guy in the BG.
OK, ENOUGH. I LOVE YOU ALL. I'M SORRY IF I GO BYE BYE FOR A WHILE. I'M ON TWITTER ALL THE TIME. Need me, go spam-tweet me there, k? LOVE YOU ALL. (twitter = kobato16)
No video b/c I'm stupid. SORRY!!! Here, have a picture instead. :DDD
I need to do hw now. Sorry about not commenting.....I just needed to announce this to anybody who cared. T_______T