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~*I live in Ooompa Loompa land, where the lolipops prance and bears taste delicious*~
Member Since
~*Mentally and physically deformed dinosaur*~
Real Name
~*Oh I have lots and lots of achievements. I'm just so talented that way. O_o
Anime Fan Since
~*When I used to watch Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but didnt even know what the hell anime was lol*~
Favorite Anime
~*Fruits Basket, Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Negima, Love HIina, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Loveless, Absolute Boyfriend, Wallflower, Hana-Kimi, Vampire Knight*~
~*To go to Tokyo, kidnap my favorite Jrockers and start a basement collection of them... ewww just kidding, thats creepy*~
~*Book sniffing, doing strip dances with Carly (lol), listening to Jrock!*~
~*Drawing count chocula on oranges*~
| sparkling diamond
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
What Anime Kiss are You?

You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~ |
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
You didnt mean any of the things you said, don't pretend that you and i were on the same level. I was serious.. if you meant it, you wouldn't speak so easily regarding something that holds so much depth and disregard it the next moment. Please.. hear me out.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Exams are finished
So I've just been on break for a while now because I finally finished my final exams! *hooray!* I think I'm going to start making posts on this site again, it would be fun to actually keep up with an internet blog kind of thing. ^^ I just edited my sight! Its all An Cafe-ish now haha. i really just want to find a url code that I can use to post one of an cafe's songs to be playing in the background, but I can't find any! T_T |
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Fun with Cousins
Hacked by your best buddy! Okay, this file is huge, so I'm putting it here for you, okay?
My Life:
Yay! I’ve been having a lot more fun with my cousins that are visiting recently! We went to a beach together the other day and it was a lot of fun! (I almost bought the most wicked bikini I have ever tried on there… but I decided against it. Haha I would never feel comfortable enough wearing it…) But anyhow! Yesterday we went for a hike! It was good! Haha… ummm yah, I don’t have much else to say because I’m too lazy to type. OH! I almost forgot! I went to go get a membership at a gym (because I’m getting fat haha) and I was telling them about how I am quiting dance and I need a way to keep in shape so that’s why I was purchasing a membership and she offered me a job as a dance teacher for their recreation classes for like 5/6 year olds! FUN! I LOVE LITTLE KIDS! XD. Haha this was a fun conversation with my cousin:
Me: So how was your drive?
Chris: It was wicked, we saw a viper
Me: O.O What did it look like?
Chris: Well it was low to the ground, long and wide.
Me: Oh! It must have been scary!
Chris: Scary…. Huh? No it was nice!
Me: I didn’t know that they were nice.
Chris: Obviously, it’s a convertible sports car.
Me: AH! YOU MEAN THE CAR! I thought you meant you saw a snake -_-
My Myotaku site: EVERYBODY CHECK OUT THE AWESOME AMV I FOUND FOR HOST CLUB EHE! I seriously love it. It’s in my profile. *it’s a short one*
Today's featured character:

Series: Cardcaptor Sakura
Name: Sakura Kinomoto
Occupation/status: Student (Cheerleader)
Age: Around 10 Years Old
Gender: Female
Bio: Sakura is the main character of the series. She is a 4th-grader of the Tomoeda Elementary school. She is a very energetic girl, as being athletic is her best attribute. She stumbles across the magical book "The Clow" and scatters the magical cards "Clow Cards" by accident. Now she is the world's one and only Card Captor to capture the cards back. Her name "Sakura" means cherry blossoms.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
China Town!
My Life:
Yesterday I went over to Jillian's house and I also went shopping. I got a really cute necklace that is a rhinestone heart locket with a key. Its super cute, you have to see it to understand haha. I got Jill obsessed with the novel A Great and Terrible Beauty and its sequel Rebel Angels. XD haha. I love to read and I'm always talking about books and she always is just like... whatever -_- but now she loves talking about books too ^-^~~! Today Jill and I are going to go to China town. I love it there because we can buy bubble tea and lots of different little anime stuff. We'll have so much fun haha!
My Myotaku site: Boo, nobody ever visits me -_- *so sad* Well I guess people do visit me, I've reached over 7000 hits! <3 yay! But nobody ever responds to my posts... T_T
Anime/ Manga Ramble: I got Fruits Basket Vol. 3 today. I have up to 8 now lol. I've been missing three for a while. XD AAAAH OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB EPISODE 19 WAS GREAT! Haha I seriously loved it <3

Today's featured character:

Series: Oh! My Goddess
Name: Skuld
Occupation/status: Second Class Zodiac- Limited License
Age: Around 12 Years Old
Gender: Female
Bio: Skuld is the youngest of the 3 Goddess sisters. She is a very strong-willed girl who is in charge of "debugging" the Yggdrasil mainfraime up in the Heavens, as well as the occasional bug that appears on the Surface World. She has brown eyes and long black hair accompanied by a sometimes firey temper that can only be pacified by her older sister Belldandy, whom she really looks up to. |
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Cousins and Zoos.
My Life:
So my cousins arived really late on Saturday night. We did absolutely nothing yesterday, except I played Dead or Alive with Chris. Chris and Christine don't talk much, so its really weird. I talk a lot and I'm generally quite outgoing, but whenever you ask them their opinion on something or try to get a conversation started they just say "I don't know" or "It doesn't matter". -_- Ok... They are nice haha but I don't know if they are enjoying their time here. They don't really talk or smile much haha. O.O We took them to the Zoo today and I really think they disliked that. Christine might have liked it, but Chris seemed unamused. Maybe he just doesn't show much emotion? I don't know >.<. So not much is going on in my life, except I have to get a job (I'm applying at chapters.) and I'm going to start doing pilates classes (because I'm getting fat haha and also I just miss exercise in general since I stopped dancing.) oh! And I'm going to try to get taught Japanese privately with a tutor <3 I have always wanted to learn Japanese.
Random Quiz Result:
Awww! I luv it! Such a cute pic!

A picture of an Emu from the zoo. I LOVE EMUS!

An owl. O.O (no shit, right? lol)

omg! A turtle! Eating his grub! <3 KYOOOT!
Today's featured character:

Series: Fushigi Yugi
Name: Tasuki
Occupation/status: Suzaku Warrior, bandit
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Love interest: Dislikes women O.O
Mark of Seven Stars: Right Arm
Bio: Tasuki is a mercurial soul, very masculine with a strong sense of responsibility. He is quick to fight, but shy underneath and easily moved to tears. He is a bit of a misogynist, perhaps this is related to growing up in a family of women. He has a busty and bossy mother, a father who is reserved (a coward), and five older sisters that treat him like dirt. Due to his family life, at age 15, Tasuki left home and became a bandit. His sun sign is Aries, he enjoys brawling, drinking, and flaming Tamahome. He dislikes milk and women (to an extent) and he is skilled in martial arts, speed, and controlling fire using his iron halisen. |
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Cousins Comming
My Life:
So last night I went over to my friend Jillian's house. Haha we rented that movie The Producers and it was soooo incredibly funny. I seriously loved it. If you don't like musicals though, don't watch it. You'll hate it then lol. (I'm a musical fanatic). Jill's little brother kept poking me all day though in the ribs and it got so annoying and I threatened to stuff him in the dungeon. Thats right, I said the dungeon. They have a little storage room in the basement with a dungeon door that you can only open from the outside. (It seriously creeps me out.) Haha and Jill stuffed her ice cubes down my pants and I seriously think I got frost bite on my ass. Ouchie >:O lol. So yah, my cousins are comming in from another province today and they'll be staying at my house for a week. Haha wish me luck to get through the week! I don't think my one cousin Chris likes me. Hes a bit older than me and last time I went to go visit him his friend kept flirting with me and what not and it made Chris so mad. Then he kept calling me a slut and stuff for no reason. It was really immature of him. >.< I haven't seen him for a few years though, so he may have grown up a little lol. *lets hope, so that I can survive my 10 days with him*
Anime/ Manga Ramble: So I was on my gaiaonline account and when I went to go to my OHSHC forum, I noticed something about a series called Gakuen Heaven. So I watched the first episode of it. Its OK. Nothing too amazing about it lol.

O.O Soubi? Is that you?
Today's featured character:

Series: Fruits Basket
Name: Hatori Sohma
Zodiac: Dragon
Occupation/status: Sohma family doctor
Age: 27 Years Old
Gender: Male
Love interest: Kana, Mayuko
Bio: Hatori is a very serious and humorless type. It is his job to erase the memories of those who discover the Sohma clan secret, though it is not entirely clear if this is simply a form of hypnosis, or more of a supernatural power. When his curse activates, he turns into a seahorse rather than a giant fire-breathing lizard, because the Chinese consider the seahorse to be baby dragons and the actual name in Japanese translates to it. He is very self-conscious about his transformation in the fact that he is the "great and powerful dragon" but appears as a "seahorse". Has had a bad experience in love with his "Spring", a woman named Kana who was the assistant in his doctor's office. The relationship ended when Hatori asked Akito to give him permission to marry Kana. Akito threw a pot at Hatori and left his left eye blind. Kana felt so guilty about the incident and blamed herself so completely that she was driven insane with depression. Hatori was forced to erase her memory to ease her suffering. Like Shigure and Ayame, he is very tall, and he is really a nice man upon deeper inspection. |
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Friday, August 11, 2006
My Life:
A girl named Daylen that I met at school earlier this school year who moved back to where she came from after only living here for 2 weeks came back to visit our city for a while. While she was in town she called me and we decided to get together. We went to the movie premiere of Pulse, the horror movie. It was really average. For once I didn't squeal or plug my ears the entire time durring a horror. It wasn't that scary because it wasn't relatable to anything in real life. It was kinda hard to have a really enjoyable time in a way because I haven't seen Daylen in so long and it was like re-meeting her. I wasn't sure how to act or what to talk about that was actually interesting and what not. Also, we saw two girls walking and holding hands in a more intimate way (you know, like leaning in really close to eachother's faces) and she was just like "omg! Look at those girls. I feel so uncomfortable." I thought it was really mean, but I didn't say anything about it. I just don't think it should matter.
Other than that I finally beat my PSP RPG Legend of Heroes 2. It was.... average. Kinda bland and cheesy. Characters were boring and the general game was just repetative. I started to play my PSP's Dynasty Warriors again, but I really want to purchase a new RPG. Anyone know any good ones for the PSP?
No digitals again! Daylen and I got our photos taken in one of those quick print booths, but she kept them because she will be leaving again soon (I'll miss her!) But other than that, check out this wicked quiz haha. *its about "what Gackt song am I"
 Vanilla!You're a very hyper person. Nothing about you makes much sense.
But, things need not make sense as long as you have a whip, leather,
and a cage to dance in .... oh yes, and some plastic wrap. Take this quiz!
Anime/ Manga Ramble: OMG YES! I just finished watching Ouran High School Host Club Episode 18! Wasn't it cute! (Uhhh If you watched it...) I can't say I'm much of a Honey fan though. He's one of my least favorite characters XD

Today's featured character:

Series: Magic Knight Rayearth
Name: Fuu
Element: Wind
Occupation/status: Student in Junior High
Age: 14 years old
Gender: Female
Bio: Fuu is a very self conscious person who's overly concerned about everything. She likes to be as honest and straightforward as she can without hurting anyone's feelings, but this leads her to be wishy-washy when it comes to making a decision. It's only in the heat of battle that Fuu stops worrying and relies on her quick thinking and impressive skill with a bow. She's also not afraid to call upon the magic of wind for assistance when things get dicey. Fuu has even learned healing spells to help others recover from injuries. |
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Makeup and Movies
My Life:
So today was really fun! I got together with my buddy Jillian last night and stayed over at her house. We were planning on watching a good old Disney movie (Mulan more specifically) Hahah I love Disney movies. They are so happy and musical-ish! But we couldn't watch it because the movie got stuck in the stupid VHS machine. Damn. Anyhow... In the morning I went to a makeup conseltation thing and it was really awesome. They did my makeup for me and it looked really good. Haha now I don't want to wash my face. So anyhow, I bought some really pretty lip gloss today that they put on. It was soo nice! After that Jill and I went to our city's reasonably big nature reserve park. It was awesome. We went off of the paths and walked through the rivers in our flip flops and came soooo close to petting a deer. LIKE WE ALMOST TOUCHED IT BUT IT RAAAN! :( Our adventures came to an end when it started to rain. Anyhow, when I got home my other friend Katrina called and we went to see Nacho Libre at the theaters. Uhhhh i wasn't really paying attention through the entire movie, it was good and stuff, but for some reason I can't remember it..... weird eh? Haha. After the movie I walked home in the rain with a thunderstorm in the distance. Because it was night the streets were pretty much empty and it was sooo relaxing seeing the flasing lights, feeling the hot rain and hearing the thunder in the distance. <3
Um I don't have any cool digital pictures to post today, but my myotaku friend IceEnchantress (yes thats right, YOU if your reading this) doesn't know who Gackt is! SHE DOESN'T KNOW! Anyhow, he's pretty much the hottest/ sexiest/ prettiest boy ever. He's a super talented Japanese pop star with a really nice voice and addictive songs as well. Haha this picture of him matches the colors on my page, so I'm posting it.

Anime/ manga ramble:
Today's featured character:

Series: Full Moon
Name: Mitsuki Koyama
Older self name: Full Moon
Occupation/status: Singer
Age: 12 years old
Full Moon's Age: 16
Gender: Female
Love interest: Eichi
Bio: The protagonist, she dreams of becoming a pop singer but suffers from throat cancer. She is told that she will die if the surgery to remove her vocal cords is not performed, but Mitsuki still refuses the surgery. She is also an orphan who grew up in an orphanage school and with her strict grandmother who refuses her from singing. One day 2 Shinigamis, Takuto and Meroko, who only she could see, visited her and informed her that in 1 year she will die. Because of this, much to the dismay of her Angels of Death, she went on to pursue her dreams of being a singer.
With Takuto's help, she is able to transform into Full Moon, a sixteen-year-old pop idol, completely free of cancer and able to sing. She wants to become a singer because she wants to tell her love, Eichi Sakurai, that she loves him. Mitsuki lost contact with Eichi when he moved from the orphanage to America. In the manga, after he leaves, Mitsuki she realizes that she loved him. She waited to call him in America and tell him her feelings, but later finds out on television that his plane had crashed and sees his name on the list of the deceased. |
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