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~*I live in Ooompa Loompa land, where the lolipops prance and bears taste delicious*~
Member Since
~*Mentally and physically deformed dinosaur*~
Real Name
~*Oh I have lots and lots of achievements. I'm just so talented that way. O_o
Anime Fan Since
~*When I used to watch Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but didnt even know what the hell anime was lol*~
Favorite Anime
~*Fruits Basket, Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Negima, Love HIina, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Loveless, Absolute Boyfriend, Wallflower, Hana-Kimi, Vampire Knight*~
~*To go to Tokyo, kidnap my favorite Jrockers and start a basement collection of them... ewww just kidding, thats creepy*~
~*Book sniffing, doing strip dances with Carly (lol), listening to Jrock!*~
~*Drawing count chocula on oranges*~
| sparkling diamond
Friday, August 11, 2006
My Life:
A girl named Daylen that I met at school earlier this school year who moved back to where she came from after only living here for 2 weeks came back to visit our city for a while. While she was in town she called me and we decided to get together. We went to the movie premiere of Pulse, the horror movie. It was really average. For once I didn't squeal or plug my ears the entire time durring a horror. It wasn't that scary because it wasn't relatable to anything in real life. It was kinda hard to have a really enjoyable time in a way because I haven't seen Daylen in so long and it was like re-meeting her. I wasn't sure how to act or what to talk about that was actually interesting and what not. Also, we saw two girls walking and holding hands in a more intimate way (you know, like leaning in really close to eachother's faces) and she was just like "omg! Look at those girls. I feel so uncomfortable." I thought it was really mean, but I didn't say anything about it. I just don't think it should matter.
Other than that I finally beat my PSP RPG Legend of Heroes 2. It was.... average. Kinda bland and cheesy. Characters were boring and the general game was just repetative. I started to play my PSP's Dynasty Warriors again, but I really want to purchase a new RPG. Anyone know any good ones for the PSP?
No digitals again! Daylen and I got our photos taken in one of those quick print booths, but she kept them because she will be leaving again soon (I'll miss her!) But other than that, check out this wicked quiz haha. *its about "what Gackt song am I"
 Vanilla!You're a very hyper person. Nothing about you makes much sense.
But, things need not make sense as long as you have a whip, leather,
and a cage to dance in .... oh yes, and some plastic wrap. Take this quiz!
Anime/ Manga Ramble: OMG YES! I just finished watching Ouran High School Host Club Episode 18! Wasn't it cute! (Uhhh If you watched it...) I can't say I'm much of a Honey fan though. He's one of my least favorite characters XD

Today's featured character:

Series: Magic Knight Rayearth
Name: Fuu
Element: Wind
Occupation/status: Student in Junior High
Age: 14 years old
Gender: Female
Bio: Fuu is a very self conscious person who's overly concerned about everything. She likes to be as honest and straightforward as she can without hurting anyone's feelings, but this leads her to be wishy-washy when it comes to making a decision. It's only in the heat of battle that Fuu stops worrying and relies on her quick thinking and impressive skill with a bow. She's also not afraid to call upon the magic of wind for assistance when things get dicey. Fuu has even learned healing spells to help others recover from injuries. |
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