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~*I live in Ooompa Loompa land, where the lolipops prance and bears taste delicious*~
Member Since
~*Mentally and physically deformed dinosaur*~
Real Name
~*Oh I have lots and lots of achievements. I'm just so talented that way. O_o
Anime Fan Since
~*When I used to watch Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but didnt even know what the hell anime was lol*~
Favorite Anime
~*Fruits Basket, Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Negima, Love HIina, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Loveless, Absolute Boyfriend, Wallflower, Hana-Kimi, Vampire Knight*~
~*To go to Tokyo, kidnap my favorite Jrockers and start a basement collection of them... ewww just kidding, thats creepy*~
~*Book sniffing, doing strip dances with Carly (lol), listening to Jrock!*~
~*Drawing count chocula on oranges*~
| sparkling diamond
Monday, August 14, 2006
Cousins and Zoos.
My Life:
So my cousins arived really late on Saturday night. We did absolutely nothing yesterday, except I played Dead or Alive with Chris. Chris and Christine don't talk much, so its really weird. I talk a lot and I'm generally quite outgoing, but whenever you ask them their opinion on something or try to get a conversation started they just say "I don't know" or "It doesn't matter". -_- Ok... They are nice haha but I don't know if they are enjoying their time here. They don't really talk or smile much haha. O.O We took them to the Zoo today and I really think they disliked that. Christine might have liked it, but Chris seemed unamused. Maybe he just doesn't show much emotion? I don't know >.<. So not much is going on in my life, except I have to get a job (I'm applying at chapters.) and I'm going to start doing pilates classes (because I'm getting fat haha and also I just miss exercise in general since I stopped dancing.) oh! And I'm going to try to get taught Japanese privately with a tutor <3 I have always wanted to learn Japanese.
Random Quiz Result:
Awww! I luv it! Such a cute pic!

A picture of an Emu from the zoo. I LOVE EMUS!

An owl. O.O (no shit, right? lol)

omg! A turtle! Eating his grub! <3 KYOOOT!
Today's featured character:

Series: Fushigi Yugi
Name: Tasuki
Occupation/status: Suzaku Warrior, bandit
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Love interest: Dislikes women O.O
Mark of Seven Stars: Right Arm
Bio: Tasuki is a mercurial soul, very masculine with a strong sense of responsibility. He is quick to fight, but shy underneath and easily moved to tears. He is a bit of a misogynist, perhaps this is related to growing up in a family of women. He has a busty and bossy mother, a father who is reserved (a coward), and five older sisters that treat him like dirt. Due to his family life, at age 15, Tasuki left home and became a bandit. His sun sign is Aries, he enjoys brawling, drinking, and flaming Tamahome. He dislikes milk and women (to an extent) and he is skilled in martial arts, speed, and controlling fire using his iron halisen. |
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