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~*I live in Ooompa Loompa land, where the lolipops prance and bears taste delicious*~
Member Since
~*Mentally and physically deformed dinosaur*~
Real Name
~*Oh I have lots and lots of achievements. I'm just so talented that way. O_o
Anime Fan Since
~*When I used to watch Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but didnt even know what the hell anime was lol*~
Favorite Anime
~*Fruits Basket, Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Negima, Love HIina, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Loveless, Absolute Boyfriend, Wallflower, Hana-Kimi, Vampire Knight*~
~*To go to Tokyo, kidnap my favorite Jrockers and start a basement collection of them... ewww just kidding, thats creepy*~
~*Book sniffing, doing strip dances with Carly (lol), listening to Jrock!*~
~*Drawing count chocula on oranges*~
| sparkling diamond
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/28/06:
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
 You're Element is Light. You are friendly, happy, social, bubbly, and can brighten up any one's day! You are very kind and a real people person because you have several friends (or atleast should). You're cheery nature makes you lovable and your stunning looks are sweet and stand out. (please forgive me if you cannot see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can see your result picture at the bottom) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/28/06:
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
Result Posted on 07/28/06:
Haha sadly its true.
What anime kiss are you?
 You are a little shy, or your kiss takes a time to happen. It may take time, but sooner or later it happens!!! Well, the conquest game is really interresting, isn't it? Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/28/06:
Aha sweet. I really liked this picture so I posted it. I'm not really a yugioh fan.
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster are you?
Result Posted on 07/28/06:
Hehe another of my quizzes that I made on quizzila! <3
What ham ham human are you most like?
Result Posted on 07/28/06:
yay earth spirits!?
.:What spirit are you?:. [ With Anime Pics!!]
 You are the spirit of Earth! Your supportive of others and are protective with the living things around you. You stand up for others and is always there for them. What a good friend you are! Congrats! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/27/06:
I'm not shy! It has my ideal guy down right though!
What Is Your Anime Hair Color? (For Women)
 Blue- Cute, shy and intelligent. U are the pick of a litter, and a perfect girlfriend. Some might say ur shy, but ur shyness gives u outstanding character. Everyone wants to be ur friend but some are to shallow for their own reputation. U are also sweet and romantic, and like the romantic prince charming guys who will sweep u off ur feet. U like to be treated special. Your strongest bond would be someone who gets "Red" as their hair color Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/27/06:
my quiz! :) I hope you take it!
What animal girl are you? (Anime pictures)
 You are a honey bee girl! You are a busy and hard worker and you put all of your heart and soul into the things that you do. Your determined nature makes you a successfull person. However, you have to do things your way and you can be sharp with people who try to change that about you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/27/06:
This quiz only had like 3 resutls XD
(GREAT pics!!!! Girls only!!) Are you a wide-eyed manga babe? Or a normal, intelligent, cutie?
 Your a smart cutie!!!!! Congrats!!! Your cute, sweet, smart, and down to Earth, some of the best qualities. Your not all that interested in boys but..... books. You always get straight A's, you can never be found in a club, but the library, but your cute and smart and thats why guys like you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/27/06:
What kind of wings does YOUR soul have?(anime pics!!)
 Your soul has playful wings!You just want to have fun! The world is just a big play place for you! You're very smart, though sometimes that cango to waste as you often day-dream. Your wings give off a somewhat happy feelingthat make people really like to be around you.But they find it hard to keep up with ya, as you run away, through outt the feilds(=P) Take this quiz!
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