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~*I live in Ooompa Loompa land, where the lolipops prance and bears taste delicious*~
Member Since
~*Mentally and physically deformed dinosaur*~
Real Name
~*Oh I have lots and lots of achievements. I'm just so talented that way. O_o
Anime Fan Since
~*When I used to watch Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but didnt even know what the hell anime was lol*~
Favorite Anime
~*Fruits Basket, Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Negima, Love HIina, MeruPuri, Ouran High School Host Club, Loveless, Absolute Boyfriend, Wallflower, Hana-Kimi, Vampire Knight*~
~*To go to Tokyo, kidnap my favorite Jrockers and start a basement collection of them... ewww just kidding, thats creepy*~
~*Book sniffing, doing strip dances with Carly (lol), listening to Jrock!*~
~*Drawing count chocula on oranges*~
| sparkling diamond
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/25/06:
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Girl Character are You? ()Includes Pictures)
Result Posted on 06/25/06:
heck yes I'm a bookworm! <3
Which Kind of Anime Character are You?
Result Posted on 06/25/06:
What soul do you have? (Anime pictures)
 You have a beautiful soul...having a beautiful soul is scarcely found in this world..You love almost anything that is calm and natural, like waterfalls and jungles...You treat everyone with kindness and with that everyone loves you... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/25/06:
IF You wERe a ToilET, Who WOUld seat ON YoU??? [AniME PickS!]
 A cheerleader! Because you are popular toilet and popular toilets have popular people seat on them! You have everything that VIP toilet has. You are so meticulous, a really perfectionist! Congrats to you to! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/25/06:
What are you feeling inside? ~With Anime Pics and 8 Results~ --For Girls Only--
 Your feeling is glad...You always seem to have a good thing to say. Something might good might have happened to you, you're not even sure why you're so glad and happy, but you think it's because everyone you care about is safe and you are too. You're so thankful for everything and think of everyday as a new beginning. Although what you're feeling deep down is glad, you are never afraid to show your feelings and have a strong heart. You are a optimist and although you might be klutzy or naive, people like you just the way you are...and maybe that is why you're glad. If someone were to describe you, they would probably say you're bright, bubbly, and fun; which is a very good description. You may be a bit naive, which also defines you as "cute". However, being naive sometimes isn't a good thing and can lead to getting hurt. But you don't mind, you're already happy. Not on the sensible side though, and try to cheer everyone up no matter how hard the fight is; and you get nervous if you did something wrong and may apologize many times before reassured. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/24/06:
Oh yaaay! My favorite color! <3
What's your true color? (With anime pics!)
Result Posted on 06/24/06:
Thats such a pretty name! <3
Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]
 Your Japanese name should be 'Hotaru' which means "firefly". You're like a firefly, full of energy and always moving. You can't sit at home for a long time, you just have to DO something! You're very active and passionate. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/24/06:
wohoo! I'm a clever witch. Damn straight! But the picture is of a maid, not a witch. <3 BUT THATS OTAY! :)
What witch are you. (with anime pics)
Result Posted on 06/24/06:
Hehe thats not exactly true, nobody is smart when it comes to anything hehe.
what is ur pesonality(anime pix)girls only
Result Posted on 06/24/06:
What angel shall you become when you die? ~Anime Pictures~
 ~Naive Angel~The angel that you shall become is a naive angel. You must have the soul of a pure child, because you are innocent and sweet. Shy around people you don't know, you have difficulty in finding the right word to say and get embarrassed easily. You are a bit sensitive, but with your innocence people tend to want to protect you. Even the smallest thing could make you happy.People see you as...Naive and pure.Your element is: LightColors: Light pink or other pastelsWings: bright, seem like they are glowing, soft edges Take this quiz!
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