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Real Name
Chels and Lolly call me Megumi, ^o^
Nothing much yet, just some stuff for my writing projects.
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon and DBZ first came out on Cartoon Network...I didn't even know what the hell I was watching, just that I loved it.
Favorite Anime
Yuugiou, InuYasha (DON'T JUDGE ME!), DNAngel, Gravitation, and...stuff. 0__o
Nothing ATM o__o
Writing fanfiction, reading, acting, singing, doodling, DANCING, talking with people, videogames, and other crud.
I'm a good writer from what people say, and I'm damn good at stage stuff (including some tech, ^o^).
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Hoy fue divertido, y un poco comico...
And yes, I know "comico" has an accent over the first "O". xDD
How ya like THAT Spanish, eh? I'm gettin' pretty damn good, I think. The grammar is probably off (Fue is past tense...something we haven't studied yet! =O), but I think it's a fair translation of "Today was fun, and a bit funny..."
But yeah, it was. Today was the school show of the straight play; meh, the thing's cute, I'll admit it xD. And duuuuuuuuuuuudes, THE GUY was so effin' ADORABLE in it! *squees* He plays this shy guy. =D But yeah. And fucking Mike-bishie. *giggles* He plays a fairly convicing "bad boy".
AH! But what was funny, was, after the show, the bell hadn't rung yet, so i was hanging out on the stage, congradgulating some of my friends that did tech in the show. THE GUY walks over, giving hugs, and when he gave me one, I was like, "You did such a good job!" (while giving the most akward hug me sitting on the stage, I was basically crushing his head against my boobies, WTF.) And he was like, "You too!"
xDDDDDDDDDD I dinn' do SHIT for that show (though I'm working concession, tickets tomorrow and Saturday). I even said, "Uhh...I didn't do shit..."
"Oh, yeah."
It was...yeah. Just...yeah. xDDDDDD
But yeah, what I was happy about before...THE GUY might be coming with me Saturday to watch my lil' brother's basketball tournements! *SQUEE OF DOOOOOOOM* At least, he said he wanted to, when I asked him on Tuesday. I'll have to make sure tomorrow, at the show. Hell, i'll have my brother ask him, to sucker him in, neh? OH! And my baby gets to be point guard in one of the quaters! I'm so happy for him!
But was interesting, and fun.
ANDOMGWTF, I'm a whore AGAIN. In History, we're doing a role-play of the fall of the Roman Republic, and I'm Cleopatra. WTF. Another whore. I fucking swear, I was a whore in a past life. I swear. (Oh as Chels says, we were harlots. That had a whore house. xD Or that I get it from my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-GREAT grandmother who gave Henry the Whatever crabs. =3)
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
*glomps every person within a 300-mile radius*
Hey, it had to be done.
More Valentine-y goodness t'morrow...I wrote a poem...and smut...*grin*. OH! And i'm going t' the mall sometime with Emo-girl (aka my luff, SARA) and Asylum-girl (aka my luff JACKIE), my lil' buddies from CW. FUN SHALL BE HAD I SAY!
Wonder why I'm so hyper? I'll tell ya'll t'morrows....*winkwinknudgenudge*
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Monday, February 13, 2006
HAPPY...ERRRR.......ALMOST VALENTINE'S DAY?!!!, for me, it's not quite Valentine's...but who cares? *breaks out booze and chocolate* Let's celebrater!
So much love I make Cupid cry in S-H-A-M-E:
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
OMG!!!!!! *flips the fuck out*
I'm such a happy camper t'day...
Y'see, we went to Toys R Us earlier, 'cause the one here in town is being shut down, and everything is 40-60% off. Me an' my mama were looking at the DVDs, and she showed me a Disney Sing-A-Long video about Disneyland. Now, normally I would've just be like, "Sweet!", but here's the thing: that DVD was of an old (think early 90's) sing-a-long VHS my babysitter/daycare lady had, that I ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY LOVED TO FUCKING PIECES. I had to get it. So i did. And i just finished watching it. And i'm a dork, but WHO GIVES A FUCK?!
*squees and huggles DVD*
I love this damn movie SO MUCH. And YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Chelsea, we're still going to Disneyland in a few years. We get to go first, then Lolly comes too. And whoever else wants to. But yeah. When I'm 19, we're going. 'Cause you'll be 21. And everyone knows what that means.
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Fwee, I'm happylykewhoa. No, nothing totally special just yet...except....
My drama teach is giving hints that I've got a nice chance of landing Belle...and my momma says she wants it just as bad as I guys know how much I want this. I mean, I'd give just about anything for it, hell I'd DO just about anything for it. I want it so bad, I'd give up creepy-stalker-boy and Mike-bishie's attentions on me for it. I'd almost give up anything I had with THE GUY for it, I want it that bad.
But makes me really happy. As I look at it now, when it comes to voice, I probably have competition of about 5-7. When it comes to attitude/performance, 3-5. My biggest competition is this really nice girl, Lisa, who I wouldn't mind losing too, if it had to be that way. guys...I want this. So much. I really, really want it. It's hard to express just HOW MUCH I want it. I...I want it with every fiber of my being, mental, physical, and spiritual. I want it so bad...I could never land another big role, but I'd be happy getting this one part. I want it so bad that I've been practicing my bows and curtsies...and prepping myself for any possible stage kiss scenes. (OMG. Imagine: me getting Belle, THE GUY getting Beast...OMFG. My first kiss, of any kind, would be with him...) But yeah. I just....I just want this so, so bad, that it hurts. I want it more than I want THE GUY. And that's saying a lot.
But yush...gotta practice...xD Luv ya, dolls!
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Damn these hormones!
God, I'm being worse than a pregnant lady today. First bored, then bouncy, then giggly, then sad, then hyper, then angryatthaWORLD.
I hate muh period. So much.
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Monday, January 30, 2006
He replied...but I'm still askurred....
And yesh, Chels~chan, you and 'Kura~sama can save me. BUT NUUUUUUUUUUUUU PUI PUI!!!!! *cries* Nununununu!
(Lmao, that's about our odd conversation last night...about prostitutes, panties, socks, sex, DBZ characters...the usual, lol. xDDDDDD)
Yeah, skurry-boy replied to muh email...but i'm still having this totally freaked out anxiety feeling. Damn me and my psychic prowress! *pout* I'm INSISTING he take things slow; I'm not ready for him. At all. I want muh THE GUY damnit! *squeals* Even if he is a jerk at's actually what I kind of want.'d still have two impossible hot males, hell, you'd have tons! *glomps* I only want those two. xDDDDD
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*sniffs feet* Ewwwr...
Dun feet are smelly...*wrinkles nose*. But yeah.
Ok, so it's not "just another day in paradise." (Lol, I almost spelled "paradice", Otogi...) I'm in a bind...that guy (flame bishie-chan-STFU) basically...well...I think he's like, turning into a stalker-like guy. We've never agreed to be "dating" or "in a relationship". But today he asked "what we were going to do with our future" and was telling me that he "understands there are other people, but likes me, and that'll never change; it's like I'm holding on to him and won't let go". AND that "if I was with him, he'd be the happiest man in the world."
I'm scared. I DO NOT want a man like that. Fuck, Chelsea's rubbing off on me, but i want a guy to NOT HAVE ME AS THE CENTER OF HIS WORLD. I'd much rather have a guy willing to knock me around and have yelling matches with me, than a guy who treats me like a princess. Damnit, I may wear the pants, but the guy I choose better not be wearing a skirt! He needs to be strong WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITH me, not FOR me.
And I'm only 15! I'm not ready to decide that I'm spending my life with the first guy who decides that he likes me! I want to have a life, be flirty, have one-night-stands, dance with a stranger in a dark corner! I mean, you guys know what I'm saying, right?
Besides...I don't think he may be strong enough to handle the fact that I'm depressive/was suicidal at a point/have anxiety/have a muderous rage/my insane family who I love to bits/the fact that I'm a guy in a girl's body (meaning, that i handle stuff like a man...and I'm violent...and love crazy, potetionally deadly sports)/and my tendancy to flirt with anything with two legs and/or a dick.
Yeah, I don't think he's ready for that. I don't think he even knows what my favorite colors are.
(They're black, red, and white, BTW.)
But yeah. I'm planning on not answering any of his calls/texts tonight (hey, it may be harsh, but it gets my point across) and I sent him a soft-but-blunt email. I'm pulling away a bit, taking my space. I mean, I probably wouldn't see him until the summer anyway. I'm just not reay for that...and I don't want a guy who treats me like that.
No wonder I like THE GUY...lil' butthead that he is, barely acknoledges me. ^_________^ And Mike's the strong kind of guy I want. If only they were bisexual...and willing to have so kind of threesome relationship. LMAO! Only in my dreams!
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
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I kissed paper, just for you. xDDDDDDD
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Yeah, that lil' fuckin' adorable emo girl in my CW class? OMGYAY she's muh buddy now! See, t'day, we had this seminar thing, where we critique submissions by a few classmates. After everything was done, I was complementing her and her friend on their poems (dude...her friend's was was all Edgar Allen poe-ish; reminded me oh some of your stuff, Chels xD), and they were like, "OMFG thank you! =3 Oh hey, your cool, wanna sit with us and not be all alone anymore?" So yeah. I got a bubbly feeling in me, and was like, well, how I am now.
*squee* I'm so happy...I'm keeping in contact with flame-bishie-chan (STFU...I thought it was cute...) and ZOMG, he likes me too...we basically have the same feelings...and, dude, he just knows how to brighten me up, it's so weird, like he just knows what to say. Lol, I was complaining about talking too much, and ya know what he says? "Don't worry about you talking too much I like it when
you do that in fact talk about everything, please." Yep, that's a direct quote right there BISHES! *needs to calm, Chelsea..."WTF No more heroine for me!" xDDD* But yeah...he's my prince, i've decided. We're free to love others, to date others, to have what we can't give each other, but in my heart, I'm his. He may not be mine, but I'm his. It's weird...he's one of the few people i think I'd ever surrender my dominance to, because i feel safe and happy with him, or talking to him. Yeah. But enough about my love-life, OLOLOLZ! (Sorry...inCREDIBLY hyperactive...)
Yeah...gawd, so much shit happened over this week...I'm just glad it's over...ugh, too much to blog, but i will say that i talked to my Mike, he helped me out with a MAJOR problem...he's my lil' therapist (I can't type tonight, sorry guys!). But yeah, that problem's kinda blowing over...I hope it will, at least. OH! And i got my CD for auditions!!! Gotta mark my calander for the 23rd of February! Yay! I'm so excited!
Well, yeah. More later. Love ya, 'night-'night.
So much love i make Cupid cry in SHAME:
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