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myOtaku.com: Sparx539

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's over, it's done with. Thank fucking God.

Now, if my parents would just get the fuck off my back about calling the Internship guy. yeah, it's almost a week later;but fuck it, I'm so SICK of being CONTROLLED. I want some sort of control to my own life. I just...seriously guys, I've contemplated running away from all this shit so many times...(and being smart about it too; if I had the money, fuck it, I would. Maybe. Depends on where I would go/how much it would cost/how long I'd be able to stay hidden. Cuz fuck staying in-state, i'd be at LEAST 1000 miles away.)

Yeah. Really, I get so sick of my parents at times. My family in general. They constantly...ugh, I dunno, it's like they try to dictate my life, and what I'm going to do with it, and try to guilt trip me with every thing I do that they don't like. Like, you all know that I wanna move out like, right out of high school, and eventually live in California. They constantly talk about me staying HERE, and working HERE, and raising my family HERE, and how upset people would be if I moved, etc.

I don't care, though. It's MY life, not theirs to decide. If I don't want another semester of the internship, I should have the right to say, "The hell with it!", and NOT DO IT.

*fumes* I'm sorry guys, it just pisses me off. I really have no support from them for much of anything; they act like it, but sometimes I really wonder how much of it is support for me, and not for themselves. Like, in school, I have to do all this crazy shit, and my mom still gets upset and guilt trips me if I get B's. Or, I was telling her how stressed I was that I have to take ACTs, SATs, and AP tests all within a month or so of each other, and she was like, "Well, other AP kids have done it."

WHAT. THE. FUCK. And? I'm not "other AP kids". Maybe i don't WANT to take all that shit. Maybe I want some HELP, and some ENCOURAGEMENT.

Fuck it. I'm tired of ranting.

Love ya'll. *glomps*


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